Neeraj Thakur

Instant 3.0 - Google Analytics for your life.


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Shashwat Pradhan
Hello Product Hunt, Instant now tracks the time spent on your phone, travelling, at places, while sleeping & on fitness activities. All this is tracked automatically and is put on a dashboard. Based on your feedback we learnt that when it comes to lifelogging, data is not enough. We built on this to get weekly reports to give our users actionable insights based on their data. We used storytelling techniques with trend graphs for this. We have also added automatic sleep tracking with a major UI upgrade. The new reports should be able to give our users actionable insights. We are also licensing our award winning tracking technology & looking for enterprise partners. You can feel free to contact me on to give me any detailed feedback. Looking forward to your comments! iOS: Android: β€˜ You walked equivalent to 11 pizza slices this week πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•β€™- Instant 3.0
Joshua Dance
@shashwatpradhan @emberify Also, do the iOS app track app usage?
Shashwat Pradhan
@joshdance @emberify nope, no public APIs for app tracking in iOS right now. We will definitely add it once it opens up, we had tried using a private API for app tracking which we had to remove. You can partially get that data through your battery settings tho.
Steve Dimmick
@shashwatpradhan looks neat. What is your edge over apps like Quality Time and (OFFTIME)?
Shashwat Pradhan
@thedimmick they only track your digital activities. Instant also tracks your places, fitness, travel & sleep.
Emily Lien
@shashwatpradhan is the sleep detector similar to Sleep Cycle where you put it near you and it detects motion? Or is it more like if you haven't used your phone for a prolong time, it assumes your sleeping?
Anton Eliasson
Instant buy! Although I'm slightly afraid of the stats that I'll get...
Shashwat Pradhan
@antoneliasson thanks for the support, that's the process of self-improvement with analytics! 😊
Shashwat Pradhan
@huntergray thanks for supporting us!
Thomas Jacquesson
Hi Shashwat, I really like your marketing positioning : GA for your life. Simple and appealing to any startupper / marketer. Why is App Tracking only available on Android ? Apple provides that info in the Battery section of Settings. Is is that Apple doesn't let apps access this info ? Thomas
Shashwat Pradhan
@tom_jacquesson hi Thomas, Apple doesn't give an API for that. There was a private API in iOS 8 which we tried but Apple rejected it, so hoping that comes with iOS 10. Thanks for the feedback tho. 😊
Shashwat Pradhan
We also wrote a post on Medium (2 min read) that elaborates more on the personal analytic part of Instant: My favourite part: β€˜You used your phone for 20 hours last week. You can go from the Earth to the Moon twice in that much time!β€™β€Šβ€”β€ŠInstant 3.0
Neeraj Thakur
Automatically keep track of the time spent on your phone, while travelling, at places, while sleeping & on fitness activities. It also gives you weekly reports based on your data. All your data is private, only stored on your device.
Shashwat Pradhan
@neerajt4 Thanks for hunting us!
Kamal Kant
Hi Shashwat, Instant looks impressive. I am just little concern about my battery life as Google fit drains battery a lot. What's your take on it?
Shashwat Pradhan
@kkkosariya hi Kamal, while building Instant, battery and privacy were two key things we kept in mind from a user perspective. In terms of battery if you switch Google Fit to low accuracy mode it should use negligible battery. Instant doesn't even need 1% battery on Android, so it should work good for you.
Zameer Ansari
@ShashwatPradhan Initially I thought it's another Google fit but it's really GA for life. Marketing tagline is awesome. Out of curiosity - the logo looks like infinity symbol, how did you decided the logo? Also your beautiful emberify logo took my eyes. Will you please share some advice? Thanks for getting hunted :)
Shashwat Pradhan
@xameeramir thanks so much! The infinity symbol comes from the fact that personal analytics can help improve life boundlessly. (And the amount of data!) Our Emberify logo is designed by an Armenian designer, the symbolism is: In the core of this innovative tech startup logo is a fire dragon symbolising wild power, freedom and success.
Zameer Ansari
@shashwatpradhan One more fabulous thing which you have done is a personalized web-hooked page for PH :) Giving a sense of **special** treatment. Hats off for that! You're crazy man :P Look forward to learn more from you! The only thing I'm wondering is, like PH, are there another sources from where one can gather users?
Hillel Fuld
Been following this team for a while and super impressed with their hustle. Good luck with this launch. Also? Great tagline!
Shashwat Pradhan
@hilzfuld thanks so much Hillel! Really appreciated.
Can you elaborate on how the sleep tracking is recorded/monitored?
Shashwat Pradhan
@lindelof we track sleep primarily by your activity.
@shashwatpradhan If I am using a nightstand app to display a clock while sleeping, does Instant see that at activity?
Shashwat Pradhan
@lindelof nope, mostly physical activity. It will be able to detect you asleep. The sleep tracking works for 95% of the people.
Nitesh Manav
@shashwatpradhan @emberify @neerajt4 : It looks promising ... :) All the very best for the huge success!
Shashwat Pradhan
@niteshmanav thanks Nitesh! Any feedback would be appreciated.
Sillas Victor
Haha, I really like the idea of this concept!
I've been using Instant for several months. I really like the app and the data I get back.
Shashwat Pradhan
@fbara great to hear that! The weekly reports should be great for you to now understand your data better.
bryan s arnold
Oh...I love it!
Lucie Merieux
How do I do if I want it for my iPhone? :p I love the idea tho!
Scott Adamson
Scott Adamson
Does it integrate with any fitness trackers if you dont have your phone on you?
Shashwat Pradhan
@scottradamson on Android we get data from Google Fit, so if your wearable is connected to Google Fit we can get it in Instant. On iOS Health Kit integration is coming up in the next release.
Jerome Dahdah
@shashwatpradhan I already track my sleep and steps with a Pebble Time, and that data is fed into Will Instant be able to provide insights based on that data?
Shashwat Pradhan
@parasight we will be syncing with the health app in upcoming versions. Right now we use your phone's core motion processor.
Joshua Dance
Love the idea. What happens to the info and data? Does it get sold or shared?
Shashwat Pradhan
@joshdance hi Joshua, definitely not. We have a strict privacy policy where your data stays only on the device, we have no access to it. It gets deleted if you delete the app. You can read our privacy policy here:
Nick van Breda
@shashwatpradhan @joshdance love that policy. More companies should be like that instead of selling out data. What business model is behind it?
Shashwat Pradhan
@nickvbreda we are using a freemium model for Android. Our iOS app is currently $3.
Zach Schleien
Can I link the Reporter App to Instant?
Shashwat Pradhan
@zachschleien what kind of data would you like to import? We are planning on building something on the lines of reporter as an additional app.
Sarthak Grover
This is neat. I use my fitbit to 'remind' me to change my habits and not be too lazy and this will be another useful tool to get some analytics on different things and perhaps change my habit around those as well. Will definitely try this out.
Shashwat Pradhan
@sarthakgrover definitely, personal analytics help with good habit formation by making you more aware. Your feedback would be appreciated!
Sarthak Grover
@shashwatpradhan Why does the app require access to Photos and Docs on Android? Also, any plans to integrate data from Fitbit? I mostly use that and it would be a good source of info for the analytics (which Fitbit also provides but would be nice to have a single view)
Shashwat Pradhan
@sarthakgrover it takes access for docs to store backups on your file system when you export it. Fitbit coming up soon!
$3 is a blocker. I would love to try the app out for 14 days or something before paying. Or maybe a free option. Cool idea, I wanna try it!
Sarthak Grover
@mager $3 for installing on iOS? Android was a free install with in-app purchases once you try it out. I would want to try it before I buy it too!
Shashwat Pradhan
@mager you can always get a refund if you don't find it useful. 😊
Nik Sharma
Hi, @shashwatpradhan! Love the design and features. Is the 2.99 a flat fee to use the app, or are there additional in-app purchases?
Shashwat Pradhan
@mrsharma there is a $2 in-app for weekly reports.