Elsewhere 3D
Glasses that turn any video into immersive 3D 😎
Aza Raskin
Elsewhere 3D — Glasses that turn any video into immersive 3D 😎
Derek Shanahan
I'm in. Super interesting product. Love the video / branding / aesthetic.
Andrew Jiang
This is crazy @aza. Nice work!
Nick Noble
Really wish there was an option to simply unlock the app for $25 or less. Fifty bucks for a pair of lenses I already have three of is a bit steep. If I'm mistaken and your lenses are a unique format, you need to explain that (and a hand-wavy "it's about the experience!" doesn't cut it). The website is stylish and vague making this seem like BS. I want to like this, but $50 for a taste test doesn't exactly allow people to rep you easily.
Fraser Smith
Intriguing. Is there an option for people who already own frames? (I'm assuming that most of the magic is happening in the app, not in the frame).
Aza Raskin
@frassmith There isn't. We did a lot of testing on frames—you can hold these with an iPhone 6 Plus in them and shake—and wanted to create a whole experience.
It's kind of insane to me that the 1938 Stereoscope design is back in use with @Cardboard and now Elsewhere (why not call it ElseWear?) - If it ain't broke, don't fix it I s'pose! @aza
jeremy carson
wasn't this an episode of The Big Bang Theory? an old bully had the idea for a pair of glasses that makes any movie 3D...but the gang said it was impossible. proved them wrong!
Aza Raskin
João Antunes
@aza @wendellen_li It does sound magical, I got here calling BS, but now I'm a bit more convinced, although I'm still skeptical about that quote.. otherwise it sounds great. On a side note, you probably should research the slang meaning of "Netflix and chill." adding the adjective immersive just made me 😂😂😂 but that's me, I'm known for being an idiot. :) Cheers
João Antunes
@aza @wendellen_li On a more important note, do take a look at what's up with https://elsewhere.xyz/media/ I'm getting a 402 fetching the The firebase resources
Lee Sherman
You have a typo on your home page. Makes it hard to trust a product with such lofty claims. It's ISN'T THE REAL WOLRD ALREADY IN 3D?. Also, what the hell is a Technomage?