Really wish there was an option to simply unlock the app for $25 or less. Fifty bucks for a pair of lenses I already have three of is a bit steep. If I'm mistaken and your lenses are a unique format, you need to explain that (and a hand-wavy "it's about the experience!" doesn't cut it).
The website is stylish and vague making this seem like BS. I want to like this, but $50 for a taste test doesn't exactly allow people to rep you easily.
@frassmith There isn't. We did a lot of testing on frames—you can hold these with an iPhone 6 Plus in them and shake—and wanted to create a whole experience.
It's kind of insane to me that the 1938 Stereoscope design is back in use with @Cardboard and now Elsewhere (why not call it ElseWear?) - If it ain't broke, don't fix it I s'pose! @aza
wasn't this an episode of The Big Bang Theory? an old bully had the idea for a pair of glasses that makes any movie 3D...but the gang said it was impossible. proved them wrong!
@aza@wendellen_li It does sound magical, I got here calling BS, but now I'm a bit more convinced, although I'm still skeptical about that quote.. otherwise it sounds great.
On a side note, you probably should research the slang meaning of "Netflix and chill." adding the adjective immersive just made me 😂😂😂
but that's me, I'm known for being an idiot.
You have a typo on your home page. Makes it hard to trust a product with such lofty claims. It's ISN'T THE REAL WOLRD ALREADY IN 3D?. Also, what the hell is a Technomage?