Oksana Zavoyko

Elin.ai 2.0 - AI-driven engagement tracker and coach for Slack-based teams

Track and improve your team engagement! Integrate fast by installing Slack app, get background analysis of team communication in Slack public channels, see metrics in real-time on a visual dashboard and get weekly coaching to increase the lowest metrics.

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Oksana Zavoyko
Hello Product Hunters 🎉 I'm Oksa, CEO of Elin.ai. Elin is a tool created to build outstanding teams! Employees worldwide show record low levels of motivation - over 66% don’t feel engaged at work. A growing number of remote employees worldwide makes matching talent to work easier, however, it also makes leaders’ jobs of engaging and empowering their employees even more challenging! Elin.ai is here to change that! Elin effortlessly analyzes existing communication in Slack public channels, shares real-time insights on company and team engagement through a visual dashboard, and then coaches managers on how to create a more positive, engaging and collaborative environment. Elin not only finds potential issues but also helps you prevent future employee challenges like turnovers or burnouts. So, you can delegate all tasks related to team engagement measurement to Elin! We do all of this analysis while being highly considerate of your team’s security and privacy – that’s why we analyze only public channels, work only with messages meta-data, sentiments, and semantics, do not store message content, and provide only company and team-level analytics, keeping individual results private. Elin has a free 14-day trial so you can immediately obtain your team metrics snapshot after installing at elin.ai. And for Product Hunt launch day we have 2 special offers: 1. Fixed price of $299 for a 1 year subscription if you pay this week! 2. A free consultation with our People Experts on how to improve after 2-weeks Elin use for 50+ employee teams! I'll be happy to answer any questions, but most importantly - we need your feedback! I'm here all day listening and ideating with you on how we can improve our product to serve your team better. Meanwhile… Enjoy meeting Elin! Thank you, Oksana Zavoyko, CEO, Elin.ai
Eugene Tereschenko
Sounds interesting, but I get a feeling that big brother is watching us. Will Elin administrator be able to read messages of team members?
Dasha Shigaeva
@darth_eugenius haha, no, the big brother rather observes and helps now, not closely watching :) Metrics we provide are on a Company level and by Teams level, no data on users. The correlation between final metrics and users is kept in the database and can be reengineered, however, Elin can`t provide content of the messages or meta-data, sentiment analysis results, or semantic analysis results by the user. This essentially means that no details of authors in regard of messages is available.
Anna Yatel
Pretty cool… any plans for integrating with other apps?
Dasha Shigaeva
@anna_yatel1 Sure! We have Zoom app in development to track call sentiments and do the transcript, and are working hard to make Elin available on more apps. Tell us which one you personally want to see in the top of the list if you have some in mind?
Anna Yatel
@_usha_ Having something like that for Telegram, email and task-trackers like Asana would be just awesome to cover all the possible channels I usually use to talk with remoters!
Dasha Shigaeva
@anna_yatel1 Thanks! We've got email in plan already, added Telegram and task-trackers to backlog as well!
Olya Zabalkanska
What criteria does it use to track employee mood and engagement levels?
Oksana Zavoyko
@olya_zabalkanskaya Elin is an AI-driven Slack app. She uses 140 markers that cover both the emotional and sentiment aspect of the communications and criteria that depicts users activity rates and correlates with user behavior. You can see some examples of markers we use and how they affect your graphs at elin.ai.
Yuri Bukharin
That sounds almost like magic! What is the science behind your product?
Anna Makovnikova
@yuri_bk We have amazing data scientists in our team. Our company also collaborates with the Berkeley Stanford Computational Culture Lab to make sure our algorithms and calculations are accurate and efficient. Elin incorporates MBTI, OCEAN, Deloittee performance appraisal model and much more. Every HBR article on employee engagement and every Gallup research on happiness has contributed to the final idea behind Elin. Moreover, we also work with subject matter experts to mentor our customers on HR, Culture, Organizational Changes, Digital Transformation and Remote Work.
Dmitry Kornilov
Do you plan to scale beyond Slack?
Anton Arapetyan
Amazing idea! Would love to see Elin in our Slack!
Wassily Korablikov
Sounds interesting… Is it a just concept or a real project? How can I see it in action if it is live?
Dasha Shigaeva
@wassily_korablikov It is live, you can try it by adding Elin to your Slack and it will start guiding you right away! Install links can be found at elin.ai You can also schedule a demo on the same website and drop us any questions!
Maria Glazunova
Hi! Very nice tracker. I have a question. Do I have to pay right away or there is a demo version I can try out before purchasing?
Dasha Shigaeva
@mariaglazunova There is a free 14-day trial. Simply add Elin to your Slack and it will start guiding you right away! Install links can be found at elin.ai – you can also schedule a demo on the same website and drop us any questions!
Oksana Zavoyko
@mariaglazunova Hi, Maria, you have 14-days free trial and if you're team less than 10 people Elin is free fro you forever.
Oksana Zavoyko
How Elin works in details in this 2 min Demo Video - https://youtu.be/pHqVy1u8jW4
Vaibhav Bhandari
Incredible team with an insightful product.
Oksana Zavoyko
@vaibhavbhandari Thanks for you supportive words!
Valentine Hrytsenko
Love this idea @oksa_zavoyko
Nataliia Stepanova
Can I check this out without installing in slack?
Oksana Zavoyko
@nataliia_stepanova1 Sure! Let’s schedule a demo https://calendly.com/oksa-1/20min and I'll show you around.
Anatoly Kozhukhar
What languages is your tool compatible with?
Oksana Zavoyko
@atly In Slack, Elin understands, provides advice, and replies in English. In terms of analyzing communication and behavior, our algorithm is language-agnostic, which means your team can use any language or mix of them.
Alexander Mozhaev
Love this! But can a usual, non-remote team use it? Or is this only for distributed teams?
Dasha Shigaeva
@mozhaev Elin has many features any team can use: measuring happiness, coaching leaders, improving mood, providing insights about your team wellbeing, and being a friend :). If you use Slack, Elin is there for you. Ask yourself if there is some time during the day when people do not work directly from the office, e.g. on their way to the office, in a line at Starbucks, walking on the street? Remote is happening in the most non-evident moments, you may be partially working remotely already.
Alyona Ivanova
How many users/companies are using the product and what is the feedback – does it help?
Oksana Zavoyko
@alena_is_here We are proud to have 28 teams using Elin right now. Being our early adopters, they love the idea of tracking how their team is doing without any additional effort! So we are looking forward to you joining this journey of boosting your team engagement!
Tanya Structure
So this Slack app is like having a virtual engagement manager? Or not really?
Dasha Shigaeva
@tanya_structure Yes, this is what Elin strives to accomplish. Right now Elin will help you make a constant tracking of your company’s changing engagement and mood and coach leaders to cultivate a positive working environment. You will see many more features coming in the future to make Elin even better.
Fedor Sivtsov
đź‘‹ Any bugs in the beta version we should be aware of?đź‘»
Dasha Shigaeva
@fedor_sivtsov Great question! As far as we observe now – no critical bugs are present. But Elin constantly improves so If you noticed a bug, you can give feedback directly to Elin in Slack with a command /elin-feedback or via email at team@elin.ai
Oksana Zavoyko
If you're part of YC Community, we're have a super special offer for you! Check it out - https://news.ycombinator.com/ite...
Anna Makovnikova
Join our community and follow our blog on Medium https://medium.com/elin-ai