Effortless reminders using natural language and SMS
Geraldo Ramos

Elephant — Effortless reminders using natural language and SMS

Easily create reminders for yourself, family and friends using natural language via text messages. Just add Elephant to your contact list and start using it.
This app looks similar to my app https://www.dearEle.com except my app built for email reminders instead of SMS. Even the logo (pink, elephant) looks same, what a coincidence.
Geraldo Ramos
@prakis wow, I really never saw your app before. I think associating elephant with memory is something a lot of people will do and the color, yeah, definitely a coincidence.
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
Really cool idea! There's always a need for such reminder apps. You might want to consider posting on https://remote.tools as well :)
Brady Endres
I tried to setup my account but it parsed my timezone incorrectly... I sent "setup brady los angeles" and it set my timezone to America/Santiago
Geraldo Ramos
@brady_endres1 Thanks for reporting that. I was able to reproduce it here. It's probably a collision with another city with same name. You can try "setup brady san diego" and it will setup to Los Angeles timezone.
Geraldo Ramos
I keep forgetting things so I end up building this app for my own use. Text messages were always the most effective way to get my attention so I decided to build a reminder bot using the phone network. The Elephant bot is similar to the one available on Slack (slackbot). After using my own app for a decent amount of time and finding it useful, I decided to turn it into a product. Since SMS is a paid service (I use Twilio.com), the product is free to try but paid if you would like to keep using it. To get a 20% lifetime discount use the code "producthunt" during the subscription process. (available for 48h).
Geraldo Ramos
To start using Elephant, just text "setup + name + city" to (919)373-6463. Example: setup geraldo salt lake city. Name should be one word. For more information visit https://elephant.rocks
Eric Velez-Chua
Awesome Idea! Was just thinking about how annoyed I was setting reminders yesterday. Can you add calendar events with times?
Geraldo Ramos
@eric_velez_chua Thanks! I 'm not sure if I fully get it! Do you mean sharing a calendar (ical) event via mms and then create a reminder from its data?
Eric Velez-Chua
@geraldoramos Sorry should've been more clear. Would I be able to create an event in my schedule as opposed to a reminder? For example if I messaged "Study from 6pm to 8pm thursday night," would it block that time off in my calendar?
Geraldo Ramos
@eric_velez_chua Thats a good idea. It will require an interface for the user to link/authenticate their calendar then I could add another command with something like: "schedule to study tomorrow from 8pm to 10pm" then it adds a calendar event with that information. Parsing will be a little bit more complex since it includes a range now. I will investigate that and see if I can build it along with recurring reminders.
Geraldo Ramos
@eric_velez_chua I just implemented this, shoot me a message on contact@elephant.rocks if you would like to test it out!
Brian Roach
I've bee using Badger for years and it's free. This looks pretty similar - http://badger-app.com
Geraldo Ramos
@anodigital Just watched their video and it looks like a nice product! I would say an advantage of Elephant is that the reminder creation process is much faster and is done with one single text message using natural language phrase, like "remind mom to take medicine tomorrow 2pm", as opposed to setting up in many steps, like Badger does. The advantage of Badger is the possibility to make it recurring (maybe I will do that too). It consumes way more sms messages to do Elephant way, because of the back and forth with the bot. I'm trying to get a whatsapp business account, if that happens I can make it free through whatsapp.
Stephen Hakami
This is a great idea
Rafael Cardoso
awesome job!
Michelle Zuchowicki
Love the idea and how seamless the process is!