Milind Patel

electsmartUS - Vote informed and confidently in your down ballot elections


Stay informed and enegaged with your federal & state downballot (non-presidentail) races. Get relevent and unbiased information on candidates, their match with you on policy and other relevent infomation. Support/oppose candidates and their policy stances.

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Milind Patel
Hello everyone. We are trying to fight fake news and political toxicity by providing voters needed tools to stay informed and engaged in thier relevant elections. We want to provide voters on stop tool to stay informed about their elections, the candidates running as well las their match with candidates and fellow voters on policy stances. In addition, voters can support or oppose existing candidates as well as newcomers who are trying to cave their own path for the office. We are a very early stage startup that aims to be non-profit. Let us know if any questions, and feel free to support us on crowdfunding and social media.