Olga Annenko

elastic.io Developer Edition - Build integration components for web apps w/ Java & Node.js


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Olga Annenko
Hey Product Hunters, we're proud to introduce our developer-friendly set of tools for connecting various apps with each other. @elasticio is actually an integration platform as a service, but the Developer edition allows to create custom integration components for web applications and host them right on the platform. There are two open-source SDKs - one for Java and one for Node.js - (other programming languages are also supported), and a number of open-source component templates e.g. for Stripe or Google Spreadsheet. We also offer Product Hunters a free access for 30 days to play around the platform, create a component or two and see how it works for yourself. Just send me a quick email to olga@elastic.io with "I'm Product Hunter" in the subject and "Free access request" in the body, and you get it without further ado:-)
David Gatti
Very nice, congrats. Can't wait to have Simpe.li on elastic.io :)
Olga Annenko
@dawidgatti Thanks:) That would be really cool!:) Have you already tried out the component creation with our SDKs? If not, I can talk to my colleague about giving you (or your developer) a direct access to play around the platform a bit. Just let me know.