Ben Howdle

Ekko - Create your business website in seconds, using your FB page


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Ben Howdle
Hey all, I built Ekko! You can read more about the reasons behind the service, why it took so long to build and my future plans for it: Ekko features: A hosted website Fully synced content from your Facebook Page A free domain (with annual plan) SSL included WHOIS privacy included A variety of themes to choose from G Suite and Google Analytics integrations SEO Domains can be purchased through Ekko’s dashboard. No more getting lost on confusing domain registrar websites. 14 day free-trial Would love to get some more feedback on the service, and if you have friends/family starting out on business ventures - point them towards Ekko ✌️ Thanks!
Kevin Leneway
@benhowdle This is really nice, and a lot of work for one person! What service are you using for managing the custom domains?
Ben Howdle
@kleneway Hey Kevin, we're using DNSimple to purchase and host the DNS management. You can register a new domain from within your Ekko Dashboard, with just your basic contact details (required unfortunately), or you can point your DNS to DNSimple!
Kevin Leneway
@benhowdle thanks, I will have to check that out. Congrats on the launch, using Facebook as a CMS is a really solid idea.
Jamie Barton
I've already told you on Twitter several times how great a job you've done with this. Although I don't have any use for it myself, I know several businesses who use Facebook and bang on about wanting a website made. This is a perfect solution and something I'll be pointing them to. Good luck with the project Ben 🤘
Ben Howdle
@notrab Thanks Jamie, this is very very very appreciated!
Jamie Edwards
It's like magic!
Ben Howdle
@jmedwards don't worry Jamie, it's just code + webhooks!
Fred Rivett
This is genius Ben. I love the premise of taking how users already act (posting on Facebook) and the outcomes they want (beautiful updated website) and being the bridge between those, hooking them up. This is super cool and I'll be sure to keep this in mind if ever anyone asks me for a website for their small business. Cool to see something priced in £ too 🇬🇧 👌
Ben Howdle
@fredrivett That's really great to hear, thanks Fred! I was very unsure how to display pricing currencies, no-one's really made their mind up on what the Best Way™ is, so I went with who I figured my early audience is going to be - local businesses in the UK! Obviously anyone with a Facebook Page can use Ekko...
Fred Rivett
@benhowdle Yeah definitely tricky one. If the main initial target audience is UK then it makes total sense. Nice to see from a 🇬🇧 perspective 👍
Interesting. Facebook as CMS is indeed a great idea. This idea could have many different applications. But Iam unable to understand, why a website? Businesses are moving away from owing a site to facebook page.
Ben Howdle
@sridhar_kondoji Good question. I feel like part of the reason for that trend is because people find it a hassle to update their website, and Facebook gives them a way to easily update customers/visitors of news, etc... Call me old fashioned, but I'll still look for a company's own website vs. finding them on Facebook. I see websites as being better for advertising what a company does and Facebook being better for engaging/interacting with a potential/existing customer. I'm hoping Ekko will be the seamless bridge between those two worlds 👍
Yeah, smart idea! Like to follow your journey with this. :)
Chris Frantz
This is a great idea, I'm looking forward to seeing how it grows. I wonder how many other combinations like this exist. Etsy, as well as Vimeo, would be great starting points for similar platform-as-cms services.
Ben Howdle
@frantzlight Absolutely. I think it removes a lot of the friction of data entry, which sucks. Use the service you're more comfortable with, but then have another service present the content.
Saijo George
Hey @benhowdle do you haev any demo pages showcasign the various designs?
Ben Howdle
@saijo_george Hey Saijo, yes we do! If you check the homepage:, and scroll down to the "See it in action" section, you'll see a link to "Example sites"!
Miles Matthias
This is brilliant. Take what people already know, don't teach them something new.
Ben Howdle
@miles_matthias Precisely!
Michael Leonard
Hey this looks great. How do you plan to market this to small businesses?
Ben Howdle
@mleonard I think Facebook Ads are going to be pretty key for Ekko's reach. We can get really specific on what kind of businesses we're targeting.
Ravi Srinivasan
Simple and brilliant 👏🏽
Ben Howdle
@ravsydney Thanks Ravi!
Stefan Rasmussen
Well done Ben! Love the design. But tell me, how does it differ from PageVamp? I also believe social sources will act as primary CMS in the future - currently working on a similar tool. ☺️
Ben Howdle
@okydk Feature-wise, they're pretty similar, but I addressed this quite recently Good luck with your tool! 🤙
Really a cool idea.
Li Jianjun
Using ekko to build a website, will Google PageSpeed Insights data be good?