Arun Abraham

Mammoth Hunters - Paleo inspired functional training and nutrition app


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"100,000 years of experience in fitness". This is purely genious. Absolutely love the idea
Arun Abraham
@jestemlech Thanks!
Arun Abraham
Mammoth Hunters was built by a team of physical trainers, evolutionary medicine experts, therapists, nutritionists, coaches, designers and developers united by one goal - make healthy lifestyle easily accessible to everyone. We try to address the following problems that prevent people from being healthy. - LACK OF TIME: Short high intensity functional workouts that use only your body weight and little space, allowing you to workout from anywhere, including your home. - LACK OF KNOWLEDGE Video guided workouts that work several muscle groups at once in practical movements that make you feel great in your day to day life. Includes warm-ups and cool-downs - MOTIVATION Group workouts in Tribes makes you stay accountable to each other and pursue a common goal. Our personalization algorithm makes sure that you are continuously challenged with diverse workouts adapted to your goals - EATING WELL Our nutrition section gives you healthy recipes personalized to your needs and recommended daily intake. The exercises and nutrition is are inspired by movements and diet from life in the Paleo era adapted to work smoothly with today’s everyday life. Hence the name Mammoth Hunters. The program is focused on increasing your performance in sports and everyday activities and not so much at building muscle mass or carving out a 6-pack.
Troy Christmas
@arunext1 I like it. I was thinking about what I could do to improve fitness and flexibility while commuting by train.
Arun Abraham
@troychristmas Glad you like it Troy! A lot of our exercises can be done on the train if it's not crowded ;)
Daniel Alexandrovski