Ryan Hoover

Echo Look - Amazon's Alexa now has a camera

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Brandon Werner
I was just asking myself last week, "sure the NSA can hear me... but why can't they see me?"
Dan Hughes
@xerners Just get yourself a Samsung https://www.wired.com/2017/03/wo...
Ben Tossell
"Alexa, who is the fairest of them all?" "Alexa, do I have something in my teeth?" "Alexa, does my bum look big in this?" I'll use this.
Derek Nuzum
@bentossell Your bum looks great, honey. Don't worry about it!
Jared Krause
Strange that Amazon went all in on the "check out my fashion selfie" concept instead of the other 100+ opportunities a camera can afford.
Brandon Beck
@thejfkshow A camera and a small built in projector to display on the wall and hand gestures to navigate. Would have been really innovative.
Noah Kim
@thejfkshow Not that strange if you're approaching what to solve starting with the question "wtf do we sell a crap ton of, that is hard as nuts to sell without having more context other than just voice/sound?" (answer: clothes) follow up question : "okay, what do we need to get people to buy more of that stuff using Alexa?". (answer: camera). My guess is they'll integrate their firefly tech (image recognition) so you can start holding objects up to the camera, and alexa will immediately identify and of course, offer the opportunity to order.
Mark Lamb
@thejfkshow Agreed: https://twitter.com/lukew/status... At least they're trying to solve a real problem (easily buying good fitting clothes online) — I still go to bricks and mortar.
Binoy Xavier Joy
@thejfkshow Exactly. This is being super niche. But then, this also provide a test bed for their future camera products I guess.
Philipp Muellauer
@thejfkshow What kind of opportunities with mass market appeal were you thinking of?
Ryan Hoover
I was speaking with someone about Amazon's next evolution of Echo and how camera/visuals are inevitable. It's interesting to see them focus so much on the fashion use case (watch the video), turning it into essentially a "smart" mirror. Next up: a screen so Amazon can create cool experiences like this one. 🤔
Atul Acharya
@rrhoover Smart move by Amazon. 1. Targeting non-consumption in a unique way (Fashion). 2. Targeting women. 3. Generating a dataset for training their ML models.. for free... and eventually selling more outfits. Very smart. 👌 I'm StitchFix is envious of this.
Clayton Parker
@rrhoover That was the missing gap to me as well... but I'm guessing they will initially be using the mobile app for that... I wonder how long it will be before its suggesting clothes to buy based on what photos you've taken.
@rrhoover I didn't even realize that people shop for fashion related clothing on Amazon! I'm more likely to buy toilet paper on Amazon than a new dress shirt.
Product Pearson
This is creepy as shit
Some Guy
I'm willing to bet this is their first step towards eventually being able to show you how outfits will look on you without needing to try them on. Thus eliminating one of the last remaining reasons people buy clothes at brick and mortar stores.
Clayton Parker
@ghobs91 I would put a lot on that bet... this is just their first iteration... im sure 3D scanning / augmented clothing over the app will be coming soon
Julie Chabin
I understand the hate about this product in the comments. I'd like to point out that most of the commenters aren't the target for this particular product. I'd see myself use Echo Look. Get data about my wardrobe, know what I should wear depending on the weather and so on... Next step: Echo integrated with a smart mirror.
Jonathan Tzou
@syswarren This. Pains me a bit to see so many male detractors speaking on behalf of a demographic they aren't a part of. Personally, I think this has a lot of potential & is a great first use case.
Dave Poly
I'm sure Amazon is seeing what people are wearing and using that to then suggest products/clothes to buy from Amazon. "I see you love rompers. Here's 10 rompers that fit your style that are on sale now on Amazon"
James Cooper
@dave_poly Or the other way. Amazon knows that the cool kids like rompers and then passes that info onto their buyers / distributers to get more people to buy rompers.
Varad K.
A mechanical shutter which only opens when the device is engaged might have been a good idea to mitigate privacy concerns
Jordan Fourcher
I swear Amazon is actually the corporate branch of the NSA
Ryan Carter
@jfourcher Well AWS does have a $600million contract with the CIA to design a private cloud for them and the NSA has moved some of their IT services on to AWS
Cole Schiffer
I want a retractable cover on this, so when it's not in use it covers the camera.
Steven H
first Physical amazon product clearly geared to Women?
Daeshawn Ballard
Amazon is on a roll. I wonder how purchasing will be integrated into this? Suggested accessories, alternative pieces or turn it social and buy pieces you like from other uploaders. I like it's potential.
Isn't this product 25 days late?
Kevin Siskar
Amazon is on 🔥 right now!
Kunal Bhatia
Machine learning at it's finest...but let me take a selfie first! I think guys would use this too. 😂
Stanley Idesis
And with Look's patented white-lie technology, that one college tee with a beer stain that kind of looks like Abraham Lincoln will always be in style.
James Jennings
Shawn Cheng
Alexa, please tell me how you accelerate the death of physical retail: Echo Look.
Henry Duong
This would be great for our company if they release an SDK. A lot of possible health and wellness applications. I can see them restricting access to the raw images in the same way they restrict access to raw audio for devs currently. Maybe they'll use their own image classification and provide us access to what the Echo thinks it sees as text for intents.