Sebastian Hodge

Link N Run - Create short links for most used URLs & share inside company

We provide you with a quick way to increase your team's productivity.
'Link N Run' helps you to create quick short links for your daily used lengthy URLs & share across your team.
Anybody inside your company can access these links automatically.
Try for free!

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Hema Singh
I havent used these before, but seem to be really excited about it. Will definitely try it. Is it possible somehow to use go links without having to install the chrome extension. Seems like a bit of overhead for every team member.
Sebastian Hodge
@hemasingh5546 Good question. Yes its possible to use this tool without having to use the chrome extension. There are two ways basically, Firstly, without the chrome extension, user can always navigate to short links via '' instead of 'go/' . So instead of accessing go/jira, you can always access Secondly, if your company uses some kind of office network (even VPN in remote times), you can ask your network administrators to add a DNS mapping, to override anything prefixed with 'go/' to '' . This would automatically enable go/jira for all the users without having to install the chrome extension. Hope this answers your question.
Siddharth Prakash Singh
This is a great concept. Let me try it.
Sebastian Hodge
@spsneo Thanks. Do share any kind of feedback if you have. Would love to improve upon it.
Sebastian Hodge
We developed this for our own organisation and immediately got addicted to using go links inside our company. We thought now its time to share it with the world and allow others to benefit from it too. Do give it a try. Hope you enjoy it. Cheers!
Anand Raj
Good one. I have used go links before, very effective. It becomes a part of your finger memory. My current organisation doesn't have that, will surely recommend to my teammates. Good luck with your launch.
Sebastian Hodge
Thanks Anand. Hope you and your team enjoys it.
Sasha Murahovsky
Great concept. Do you have any plans for Safari extension?
Sebastian Hodge
@whimsyrum Thanks. Yes, we will be targeting Safari soon (hopefully before year end) & then firefox next.
Sebastian Hodge
Have you used go links before?