Laz Alberto

Visa Price Protection by Earny - Automatically get money back on Visa purchases

Visa Price Protection by Earny automates the price protection benefit offered by credit card issuers and retailers, which states that if an item drops in price after you buy it, they will refund you for the difference. Earny works for you by automatically tracking your purchases, finding better prices, and filing claims on your behalf!

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Oded Vakrat
Hi Hunters! @AppEarny is back! With virtual assistants making headlines for consumers this year, we have an announcement for Earny, the ultimate financial personal assistant. We’re announcing today that we’ve added Visa to our automated price protection program! This increases our credit card coverage to 72% of all US credit cards. We currently cover 85% of the e-commerce market within each retailer’s specific policy and have also extended this protection with credit cards. Credit cards offer similar protection to that of retailers, but extend the length of protection up to 120 days. Our mission is to be the number one consumer advocate service in the world. We hope to provide an umbrella of services in which Earny gets you money back on every transaction you make in addition to e-commerce! Please share any UX / product feedback so that we can make Earny better than ever. Happy Earnings!
Filippo Mursia
@appearny @ovakrat no European banks, c card etc?
Daniel Seeff
@ovakrat great to hear. Been using Earny for a while and it is always fun to get random checks in the mail for refunds.
Oded Vakrat
Hi @mrdobelina, the current focus is the US market, but Europe is on our roadmap so stay tuned!
Lex Valishvili
Sounds promising, but when i tried to sign up, got error "Failed to Authenticate Unknown error. Please retry."