Kevin - Make freeform, creative spaces to express yourself.

by is for the weird and wonderful expressions of who you are and what you love. Create personalized spaces using the app and share each anywhere with its own custom URL. Made by NPE at Facebook.
More info + waitlist sign-up @

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Hello PH! The team’s pretty excited (and just a tiny bit nervous) to show everyone what we’ve been working on for the past couple of months. It all started when a few of us found ourselves missing the raw and exploratory spirit of The Early Internet and began to wonder things like: Is this misplaced nostalgia? What was _actually_ so special about that time? What if people could express themselves more freely today? Can we make more room for the weird and off-beat? Create a low-pressure space for the really unpolished and mismatched things? is our experiment at tackling these questions. Here are a few highlights: - Create freeform canvases using text, GIFs, images, and more. - Everything can be freely positioned and sized to look however you want. - Share and view on the web with a personalized url; no logins or downloads needed. We wanted to keep it short here, but we have (a lot) more thoughts jotted down @ If there’s anything you’d like to see in, or if you have general feedback, pls DM us @!
Ryan Hoover
Getting Geocities vibes with this one. It also reminds me a little of Muze but more about self-expression than communication or messaging.
Super cool how you've stolen the work of other artists and don't credit them. I see gifs on your demo pages with 0 credit 🥴
Jason Toff
@pasql Hey again! 👋 I talked to the team. They agree attribution is important and are focused on adding it, stat. Will update once we have it.
Chuck Kahn
Ironic that Facebook — whose rise heralded the end of the offbeat internet — is presenting a product nostalgic for that same offbeat internet. Facebook, once the “antidote” to the offbeat internet, now productizes the “disease” no one asked it to cure in the first place.
Cody Fitzpatrick
The last place I want to see new products from on PH is Facebook 👎
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Very interesting approach to usernames and permalinks. Curious about that strategy. Why innovate there?
Vicki Chang
@chrismessina We focused on giving people creative ownership over their space -- so, being able to pick the username you want + canvas title for each creation really gives you, the creator, the ability to make multimedia spaces that express who you are and whatever ideas you have. We also focused on picking a short URL domain ( so that sharing these unique canvas and profile URLs wouldn't be tedious either.
Anthony Dike 🌻🐝
this gives me early internet vibes -- that landing page is crazy (in a good way)
Sunita Mohanty
Congrats on this being out in the world! :)
Khoi Le
Tumblr, Google Sites, WordArt, ~a e s t h e t i c~, it’s all in the beautiful and zany world of!
Alexander Spoor
I... I'm in love 🥺 Literally can hardly wait to try this out, mind is BUZZING with ideas
Craig Keeling
"Made by Facebook"... nope.
Jesse Thomas
Brilliant branding
Gundeep Singh
If I get it right.. It's like insta story forever on web.. beautiful!
Harsh Kansagara
That domain name 🤩 Also the website just displays the text "Loading..." on Firefox!
Saad Rizvi
Congrats on the launch!
Andrew 💥
Love the spirit of the early internet! Execution is high class!
Reminds me of a sharable moodboard. Amazing potential for creative blog-like content! Would love analytics? Page-views, links, etc and ways of tracking all of that. I know you're trying to make a space for creativity and not caring about likes and engagement, but would be cool to see some analytics added to it as well! Unless that's not the vision haha :)
Unfortunately, I'm getting all sorts of CORS errors when using firefox.
Tony Brix
I actually found the code for my first angelfire site and put it up on github pages lol! This type of thing helped me find my passion, hopefully it will do the same for kids today.
I don't give a bish queef about this. We need to let Facebook die already. It's been too long!!!