Ryan Hoover

DuckDuckGo Privacy App & Extension - Privacy, simplified. Available on all major platforms.

DuckDuckGo’s fully revamped browser extension and mobile app now offers built-in tracker network blocking, smarter encryption, and private search in one package – all designed to operate seamlessly as you search and browse the web. The updated app and extension are available across all major platforms – Firefox, Safari, Chrome, iOS, and Android.

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Gabriel Weinberg
Thanks for the hunt, @rrhoover! Over the years, DuckDuckGo has offered millions of people a private alternative to Google, serving over 16 billion anonymous searches. Today we're excited to launch this fully revamped version of our browser extension and mobile app, extending DuckDuckGo's protection beyond the search box to wherever the Internet takes you. It's now available across all major platforms so that you can easily get the privacy essentials you need on any device with just one download, including tracker network blocking, smarter encryption, and private search. DuckDuckGo will also now show you a Privacy Grade rating (A-F) when you visit a website. This rating lets you see at a glance how protected you are, dig into the details to see who we caught trying to track you, and learn how we enhanced the underlying website's privacy measures. For everyone who doesn't like the feeling of being watched, or doesn't like the idea of companies making money off your personal information, this product should be for you. Give it a try and let us know what you think - your feedback goes a long way toward making our products better, and achieving our mission of raising the standard of trust online!
Rich Smith
@rrhoover @yegg Can you tell me the benefits of using this over simply using uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger? I've found myself using DDG more and more lately, but am struggling to see what benefits I would get out of this.
Gabriel Weinberg
@rrhoover @richjdsmith We're trying to put all the privacy essentials we can make seamless -- tracker blocking, upgraded encryption, private search and more to come -- all in one package, across all major browsers and platforms. In this respect, on any major mobile device or desktop browser, you should be able to look up DuckDuckGo and with one download get seamless privacy protection as you search and browse the web. While there are many great privacy solutions out there, they all lack one of these pieces, i.e. don't include all essentials (e.g. no encryption, private search), not available on all platforms, or not entirely seamless (e.g. break the web). With regards to tracker blocking in particular, there are more nuanced UX differences. In the UI we're trying to move away from 'x trackers blocked' and instead group trackers from networks together, trying to identify the umbrella company and purposes. Second, we're grading each site based on its privacy measures (including privacy policies with help from TOSDR), and telling you at a glance how protected you are on an A-F scale, based on what we could do (e.g. block trackers and upgrade encryption).
Michael Bennett

DuckDuckGo continues to make strides in the privacy space. They do a phenomenal job of educating users as well through their nurture tracks in regard to tangential best privacy practices such as VPNs and passwords.


Simple, easy to use, no friction in setting up, less cluttered results page.


Search algorithm is still catching up to Google.

Lama Al Rajih
I love DuckDuckGo. Have been using it for a few years and this is the first time I've heard about the app. Can't wait to download it later today!
Lama Al Rajih
Update: the app is 🔥🔥🔥 so far. I only wish I can open new tabs, but I'm loving the app too much to care. Thanks for making an incredible product @yegg!
Gabriel Weinberg
@lamaalrajih thanks! That’s already available on iOS will be soon on Android.
Matteo Crippa
I recently moved to DDG as my everyday search engine, as a dev I feel more happy in using that with good macro, widget. It only lacks for fresh news for my country, but it only meant to catch the right sources. I like the app, pretty easy to use, the only big lack is the missing continuity sync between desktop and mobile, a feature that I love on Safari. But this makes necessary to add a kind of sync using an user account (dunno if it is in scope as a feature). Ps. Is this widget available for desktop safari too? I use that on Firefox, but on safari seems more like a common search bar
Gabriel Weinberg
@ghego20 that's right, we don't have user accounts though duly noted. As for widget, what do you mean exactly? The same toolbar icon should be present on the desktop Safari version.
Matteo Crippa
@yegg I tried to check if was running an old version, but on safari I'm seeing this after tapping DDG icon in the toolbar
Brian Stoner
@yegg @ghego20 Updates to existing Safari users are rolling out slowly... If you want the new one right now, the easiest thing to do is uninstall, and then navigate to https://duckduckgo.com and reinstall the new one.
One of the best search engine out there. Great job! Keep up the good work and thank you!
This is a wonderful release, @yegg and @bsstoner. I have been a huge fan of DuckDuckGo ever since I discovered it 2 years back and it continues to be my primary choice of search. Is a desktop app happening anytime soon though? I would really be interested in seeing that happen.
Gabriel Weinberg
@bsstoner @arunsathiya thanks for the suggestion. It’s not immediately in the works though not off the table either.
Pradeep Sharma
Excited to see this. Much needed. I believe users give up their privacy either because of unawareness or usability. This product enables user to take smarter decisions. Which is huge. Why? With only private search it always had been a conflict whether to give up usability or privacy. I used duck duck a lot only to realize that I have switched back to google within an year. This product may not seem to be a "whole product" or a magical solution that we all need today but this will make path and a framework for all amazing things that DuckDuck can bring in future to help users protect their privacy without giving up usability, without giving much thoughts. Much needed in 2018 and upcoming years.
Eshan Singh

Seriously, the !bang syntax alone makes it worth switching. Google's site:something.com syntax is somewhat equivalent, but man oh man is it inconvinient in comparision. Code results are excellent - often it's given me a more direct answer than Google.


Very simple, fun name, extremely useful !bang syntax, built-in themes, fairly reliable, good for developers


Privacy claims are somewhat exaggerated, search algorithm kind of sucks

Scott Bowler
Any plans for an Android widget so I can put the search bar on my first screen?
Brian Stoner
@scotty_bowler Yes, definitely, we plan to release an update with the search bar widget in the next day or two.
Scott Bowler
@bsstoner brilliant! Will it also search installed apps and contacts?
Pavel B.
So disappointing that it doesn't look like a native app. Some weird styling in between Android and iOS. Thanks anyway.
Curie Kim
Just started using the chrome extension and love it! Thanks!
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
I see more of my users coming from DDG, and it’s exciting to see the growth, and then this release. I’ll start using it more regularly instead of only using it to see cleaner search results for marketing purposes. **Curious: would DDG ever consider creating an extension eco-system, or an email app?**
Gabriel Weinberg
@nassaraf thanks for checking it out. We hope that this is the main extension needed to get privacy essentials. We have no immediate plans for other complementary private services like email though they aren’t off the table either.

Love this addon, keeps my browser running smooth


Very easy to use, quick and simple



David Lyons
Can we all just stop and appreciate that the screenshots show the carrier as "DD&G"? 😂
joshua bradley
Awesome new release - previously my search of choice on my MacBook Pro, now I am looking forward to trying out the Android app
Cheng Qian
It’s very similar to Firefox Focus on iOS but the approach to displaying trackers is different. It also has more detailed info on TLS of each side. I’m curious to know how would it be possible for DDG to review every website’s privacy policy and assign it a rating?
Gabriel Weinberg
@chiancheng we are working with Terms of Service Didn't Read (TOSDR) to rate website privacy policies. You are right that it isn't possible to rate all, and not many have been rated to date. We are going to work with them to dramatically increase the number rated, and start with the most trafficked sites, and also prioritize other sites that participate in the system.
Benjamin Lupton
As this is more focused on privacy, rather than blocking advertising, would you consider this extension, paired with AdGuard would be a great solution for privacy + adblocking? Or would you say this extension is unnecessary if you are already running AdGuard, as by the time the extension runs, AdGuard would have already done the same plus more blocking.
Mustafa Öger
I have been expecting the app from DDG. Great job!

I can't live without !bang commands


Useful, reliable, tech-oriented


Search engine

Tim Pastoor

Use DuckDuckGo. Use !bangs.


Isn't Google.


Is still a centralized reputation system, which (theoretically) allows for censure.