
Dropbox Smart Sync - Get access to every file and folder shared in your Dropbox

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Lashan Dias
@nickcreates - is there any way to get this working with Dropbox Pro accounts? Edit: More asking if it's in the pipeline to work with Dropbox Pro eventually.
Chad Fullerton
@lashandias @nickcreates Same here. I asked their support chat, and they said there is no plan for Pro users yet, which I find ridiculous why they wouldn't include this much anticipated feature for paying Pro users. I don't require the team features, but Smart Sync would be very beneficial to me. It isn't worth paying an extra ~$110/yr for me though :(
Kurt Krumme
@chad_fullerton @lashandias @nickcreates What a bunch of dirtbags! I pay for my DropBox account but now they're only going to roll out high profile features for business? Guess it's time to start evaluating other options again.
Chad Fullerton
@burtbrumme @lashandias @nickcreates Ya, that's how a lot of Pro account users seem to be feeling from what I see on Twitter. Feeling snubbed. Was really looking forward to this long awaited feature! Will have to wait and see if they hopefully add it for Pro users soon. On a positive note: Harry McCracken reports for Fast Company that Dropbox said it ‘is actively considering how to roll the feature out to consumers’. So maybe they are holding out to try and convert people to Business accounts? Not the nicest of strategies for Pro users. I can see not giving it to Free users, but Pro accounts which are paying for the service should get the feature IMHO.
@chad_fullerton there is an app called odrive, it do the same thing and it's not just for Dropbox, you can use other cloud drive with it too.
Chad Fullerton
@dany20mh Cool, I'll check that out! Thanks!
Thomas Agaraté
Too bad it's only for enterprise and business products.......
Glenn Berkshier
Is this a re-branding of Project Infinite, or something different?
Henrik Berggren
@grberk Yes, Smart Sync was formally known as "Project infinite"
Hugo Striedinger
Literally Pied Piper
Edwin Khoo
Hopefully this feature will be available for Linux soon.
David Ray
Bummer that it looks like it's only available on business accounts, right?
Chad Fullerton
@davidrayla Ya, they snuck it into Business accounts only, and left Pro users out to dry on this feature :/
Ben Tossell
Takes up basically no space until you want to access your files! Good for big teams and lots of docs/folders Also, Dropbox being rapid to $1BN Rev Run Rate!
Nasser AlNasser
I am not getting what is so special about this feature? It exist in OneDrive since the launch of Win10!
Trevin Chow
This is what Microsoft killed with Onedrive a few years ago, and arguably the best reason to use OneDrive.
Chris Herbert
Rebranded Infinite. "Starting today, Smart Sync is available for all Dropbox Business teams through our early access program. We’re also exploring ways to bring it to individual users in the future. Learn more at"
Corban Garcia
We need this for Google Drive.
Sarah Kuehnle
Bummer that Business accounts have a minimum 5 user baseline, which makes it much more expensive for a Pro user to upgrade to Business. $750/yr for smart sync isn't worth it :(
Ryan Minnick
Has anyone clarified if SmartSync is still making changes at a deeper OS level like Project Infinite? I'm not thrilled about giving Dropbox privileged access to any part of my OS - especially for a proprietary/unaudited piece of software. More info: and
Scott Buscemi
I'm definitely upgrading to Business for this feature. Curious if it'll come to their free plans eventually.
Scott Webb
Totally looks like an upgrade to Business is in order.
Andy Feliciotti
Sad to only see this for business accounts but I've waited over a year for this! nice to see they finally launched the feature
I don't need unlimited space.. I need the space I currently pay for and this feature. I have been a PAYING customer since almost the beginning. This should be for everyone or a paid upgrade for Pro users. I already pay for packrat so why not this. I am about to seek out other services because trying to figure out what is synced and not synced through an antiquated interface is super annoying.
Conner Drew
+1 For Pro accounts. I don't need ANY single other feature from business but this. Would at least like the option as an add on.
Missed that feature for all my life.
Anton Vynogradenko (Restuta)
Dropbox for Business Only