Chris Messina

Drop (formerly Massdrop) - Shop inventive products and connect with like-minded people

Top Hunter

Drop is designing products differently. By tapping into data and insights from uniquely passionate people and applying them to our curated selections and exclusive designs, we deliver inventive products that fuel your interests.

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Christopher Lee
I'd love to know what your pitch is for how it's different from kickstarter
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@christopher_lee4 it seems like Drop is the maker and works w/ manufacturers but the community votes on or informs what they build... rather than being a platform for people to launch their own products... I think.
Christopher Lee
@chrismessina Right. That's a pretty big difference actually, it's sort of democratized product design. Don't know if that'll turn out well, whenever I've tried to do that with a product team it gets messy with a lot of cooks!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@christopher_lee4 well, one thing that separated Massdrop was voting on features and discussions... kind of like a more advanced Amazon Product Review forum w/ knowledgeable (or strongly opinionated) users. It always seemed to me that mining a competitor's product reviews on Amazon would be an ideal way to design the best products, because you could see the failings from other products w/o spending a time on building anything. Considering that Drop is focused on discerning enthusiasts, this could actually work out as an input into the design process (rather than BEING the design process specifically).
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Looks like a significant brand shift towards more original products designed w/ crowd input (Drop Studio)... If you're new to Drop — here's $10 off your first order! An email from @stevelhage: Today marks an exciting and important day for us as I’m thrilled to announce that Massdrop is changing to Drop! This new brand reflects how we’ve evolved since our beginnings in 2012, from group-buying site, to commerce platform and now, a brand made possible by your deep commitment to passions. As we enter this new chapter, I want to step back and thank you for everything you have done to help us get here. Your support has been core to making us who we are and that continues as we journey on as Drop. Why Drop? The name Massdrop originated when we were just a group-buying site, but we are so much more than that now. We wanted a name that was a nod to our roots, strong, but also gave us room to experiment and grow. Drop is more than just a name change, however. At its heart, this also helps us to better deliver on our mission to help people find and fuel their passions. Moving forward, there will be a whole new look and feel to our brand. This will be across the site, our products, our packaging, experiences, and more. On, you can now explore, connect, shop, and engage in the product development process in more meaningful and better ways. We’ve worked hard to make the transition to Drop as seamless as possible. We’ll continue to feature great new products every day, you’ll continue to receive personalized emails based on your interests, and your profile information will remain intact. If you have any questions, please reach out to Drop Support or visit our Help Center. We look forward to embarking on this journey with you. This is just the beginning. Thank you for being a part of Drop. Steve El-Hage Co-founder and CEO
Christine Renee
I wish they would bring back their cannabis products interest group.
Elliot O'Connor
Super excited to see what comes next. Massdrop’s been building one of the most unique online communities for years now and I think we’ll see a lot of very special products being launched soon. It’s rare to find a company that engages community in the way Massdrop does.
What exactly is this? Kickstarter like? Seems cool but honestly the landing page doesn’t disclose much
Dayle Rees
@mzuvella The site before the rebrand (Massdrop) was about communities coming together to pledge against product to receive bulk-purchase discounts as a whole.