Stanislav Dimitrov

Drive Password - Password Manager - Password manager encrypting and storing in your Google Drive

Password manager that encrypts all your sensitive data and stores it in your Google Drive. You retain complete control over your data and know where it is stored. Familiar design and powerful team sharing features make it perfect fit for Google users.

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Violeta Dimitrova
Happy to see that it is official! I have been a beta tester for couple of months already and can assure you the product is top notch!
Mike Kosulin
@new_user_1845686897 so why should use it instead of Enpass?)
Violeta Dimitrova
@mikekosulin I switched from Enpass to Drive Password when I started beta testing and will not go back. :) One of the reasons is the sharing with teams and individual - it is very flexible. One thing that I’missing is the dark mode, but I hope they will implement it soon :)
Kaloyan Dobrev
@mikekosulin @new_user_1845686897 We have it in our roadmap! We love dark mode as well!
Ran Leonard
@new_user_1845686897 That's awesome to hear. One question that is interesting - how did you find out about their beta testing?
Martin Manchev
Hey guys! I see that all my data will be saved in my Google Drive, but do you store a copy of it anywhere else? In case I accidentally delete the files from my Google Drive - what happens?
Stanislav Dimitrov
@m_manchev Hey, thanks for the question! No, your data is only stored within your Google Drive. It is locally encrypted on your device and then stored. Well, if you delete the encrypted files from your Google Drive you will lose your passwords. I know it might sound a bit scary, but we want to give the user full control over their data and it is their responsibility to not delete it. We are currently developing a feature with which the user will be able to backup themselves all their passwords.
Gary Elley
@stanislav_dim could I successfully back up the encrypted files with my current back up provider,
Stanislav Dimitrov
@gary_elley Hey, thanks for the question! At the moment not, but it is in the roadmap :)
Ebuka Arinze
Your website properly explained the product and gave users confidence in the security. The pricing is also very friendly.
Stanislav Dimitrov
@ebuka_arinze Appreciate the time you took to check the website!
Yocheved B
When I give permission to third party apps to my google drive would they have access to my passwords with this?
Stanislav Dimitrov
@yochevedb Thanks for the question! They will have an access only to the encrypted files which look like this - There is no chance anyone can to decrypt them and really access your sensitive data
Kamen Stoykov
As a Google fan, I’m interested in trying this out! Do you guys support import from other passwords managers?
Stanislav Dimitrov
@kstoykov Hey, yeah we support import from most of the popular password managers. If you don't see your in the list, reach out and we will try to add it as an option as soon as possible!
Paolo Albiero
@kstoykov @stanislav_dim Hello everyone, can i import from a excel or csv file?
Kalinikish Minish
Congrats on the launch guys, it is obvious that you put heart and soul in this for developing it that long. I’ll give it a try and get back to you. Is there I can contact you with direct feedback?
Stanislav Dimitrov
@kishminish Hey, thanks! Yeah, it has been year and a half under development! We are eager for you to try and get back to us with constructive feedback! You can use the built-in chat or the chat widget on our side.
Mukesh Upadhyay
@stanislav_dim Its an hustle for everybody to remember all the password and not mess them up. Your product make it easier for us to use the passwords conveniently and not use "Forgot my Password" often. really great idea.
Stanislav Dimitrov
@themukeshupadhyay True, not only remembering them, but actually managing them. For me, the biggest pain is when a teammate asks me to share a password for service that we are using in the company. This is the main reason why we went on developing Drive Password :)
Kaloyan Dobrev
How many passwords do you have ?
Paul Polzin
Usefull.really needed that
Stanislav Dimitrov
@paul_polzin Let me know if you need any help using it! :)
Kishlaya Sharma
This is a great product
Tom Snyder
I read through the docs. I guess a couple of things that stand out to me is 1) I don't see any autofill feature like is available in most password managers. 2) Using Google's built in smart Lock password manager technically also already has 2x protection if you set a sync passphrase. 3) Why not just store a KeePassXC database in Google Drive? That would also have the 2x protection mentioned plus a lot more features.
Stanislav Dimitrov
@tom_snyder Thanks for the questions! 1. Autofill is in our roadmap and will be present soon. 3. You can do it, although it is not really convenient especially if you are using iPhone or an iPad.
Stanislav Dimitrov
@tom_snyder @entreprenewer Yeah, totally understandable. We will do our best to implement it real soon!
Stanislav Dimitrov
@tom_snyder @entreprenewer Not yet, but we are making steady progress in pushing Drive Password v.2 :)
Abigail Gutierrez
I am very interested in trying this out!
Stanislav Dimitrov
Hey guys! We’ve been developing Drive Password for more than year and a half and officially launched it couple of weeks ago. The sole purpose of Drive Password is to provide convenient yet secure way of managing passwords and storing them in your Google Drive account. Drive Password aims to solve 2 main problems: 🦾 Getting control over your sensitive data. All your passwords, secrets, credit cards and etc. are encrypted on your device and stored within your Google Drive account. You retain complete control and your data is not on some unknown server hosted by the developers. 🤝 Share passwords with multiple teams or individuals. The teams feature in Drive Password is created for all of you who juggle several projects with different teams or individuals in mind. You can easily share password, subcategory or entire category with one team or one individual. Important things to know about Drive Password 📱💻 🖥 It works on all your devices 🗝 On device encryption and decryption 👨🏻‍💻 There is Free 3 months trial (nothing is required, simply install and enjoy) 💬 Built in support chat - We are always ready to help you through the built-in support chat. 🔒 Strict and simple privacy policy. 09.02.2020 - We just added dark theme 🌙
Daniil Gorbenko
good idea. sometimes I need to store a bunch of passwords together...
Stanislav Dimitrov
@daniilgorbenko thanks for commenting! Do you need a sharing option or just storing is what you are mostly interested in?
Daniil Gorbenko
@stanislav_dim Sometimes a team needs to store all passwords and have access to them. Your application would be useful to me
Stanislav Dimitrov
@daniilgorbenko feel free to reach out if you need any assistance :)
Sanjay Pradeep
Good to read, would be better if you can store those password texts in encrypted format in google drive, you know what!, if user wants to read those data, he/she should upload that file into your application and opt an option to read.
Stanislav Dimitrov
@sanjay_pradeep Thanks for the feedback! All passwords are first encrypted on your device and then stored in Google Drive. If you open your Google Drive and open the files, here is what you will see -
nirali shah
I keep forgetting my passwords all the time. This should make things easier.
Stanislav Dimitrov
@nirali_shah1 Let me know if you need any help using it! :)
Maciej Stachura
I understand it works via Web/Desktop as well? Would be brilliant. Question though: is it open source? How can I trust no data is shared before storing the file on Drive?
Stanislav Dimitrov
@consmast Yeah, there are macOS and Windows desktop apps, as well as web app. Nope, it is not open source. I guess there is no answer here that might be good enough. We are fully aware that people are, and should be, incredibly careful and cautions with their data. We've been building products for quite a while and slowly but surely build reputation of an honest small dev company.
Peter Sonmargareto
interesting concept
Kaloyan Dobrev
On which platform you found yourself need to view your passwords most often ?
Kaloyan Dobrev
What is most important thing for your passwords ? ( we have them all :) )