Grant Isom

Drip - An easy way to record your brews or your favorite coffees.


drip is an easy way to log coffees either at home or at your favorite coffee shops. Log what kind of drink it was, flavor profile, cost, and more. See a few stats on your drinks (this will be growing shortly). Find cool coffee shops around you as well!

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Grant Isom
What Stats would you want to see added?
Alex Savic
@grantisom the app looks nice, there are just two things I saw atm that could get better: 1. dark mode is not supported, and entering new entry is ultra hard 2. map points shows a lot of restaurants which most of time just have espresso & cappuccino, I mean that fine but a bit a waste of attention, better would be just to show coffee shops and only when there are let's say not enough of shops then to show restaurants too
Grant Isom
Hey guys, second app this year! This one is kinda niche, but is a great way to keep track of coffees you love!
Lidia Klingenberg
Really great idea, I am getting more into coffee but slowly. Would this app work to record other drinks you try and enjoy at cafes? Like hot chocolate?
Grant Isom
@lidiaklingenberg Yeah definitely!