Kyle McDonald

Scout, by Dribbble - Find and hire the world’s top designers

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Abhinav Chhikara
Seems to have caused a lot of backlash in the community. Discussion: Looking forward to a detailed blog post or comments here about the process that went into this, and what the plans are for smaller businesses that can't afford the high fees (deeper Crew integration?)
Antoine Plu
@abnux everything is said in the comment, nothing to add. Really bad move if they're keeping it like that.
Abhinav Chhikara
@antoineplu very vague + incomplete communication by them, quite unusual
Antoine Plu
@abnux Yeah totally, and I'm maybe bias by my experience but there is so many things missing from a search. They are some basics you can't avoid, like sorting, today it's just pure magic, no communication on it. And I'm not even talking about how slow this page is... Plus like @syswarren said, the location is totally broke here, and people are trying to cheat this system to be visible from anywhere. People are putting a lot of efforts, lot of works in this community, I really wish to heard back from the Dribbble team @sassbarger @ursooperduper
Abhinav Chhikara
Ouch, not a good day for dribbble
Product Pearson
@abnux Damn, you are right, it hasn't gone well with the community at all. But Dribble needs to make money at the end of the day, and deals being conducted off the site/third party are great for users, but useless to Dribbble, as they can't rely on annual subs alone
John Doherty
I have to be honest that I am super confused about Scout. As a marketplace founder myself, I think the idea is solid and very smart for Dribbble (though I'd be interested to hear their thinking around how Scout and Crew work together), but the business model makes no sense to me. I'm looking to hire a designer, but yesterday I went to sign up to use Scout and was asked to pay $199/mo or $2300 (up front!) for the year. What? Maybe (maybe!) it makes sense for a small subset of agencies constantly looking to find a designer for a project or for a few Fortune 500s with a lot of projects, but for the average business owner looking to find a designer, it does not make sense. What am I missing?
Julie Chabin
I'm a bit confused about the "search by location" when designers on Dribbble can list absolutely anything in their location preferences. It seems that some are already using this to cheat the system. 😟
Bryce Daniel
Interested to see if people will pay this. I could understand $20 a month, but $200 blows my mind.
Sarah Kuehnle
Zack Onisko, Dribbble's CEO, is without an internet connection today, but I wanted to share his response to the feedback we've been getting so far on Scout. -- Apologies for getting to this just now but I’m traveling and just found some wifi. One of our core company values is to release work that we’re all proud of. We are proud of Scout, but it looks like we fumbled the ball by under-communicating these changes to the community ahead of the release. *Our Mission* Our team members, regardless of function, have backgrounds as designers and/or a huge affinity for the design community. Our mission at Dribbble is to be the world’s best platform for designers to gain inspiration, feedback, education, community, and job opportunities. This is what drives us and keeps us focused each day. *Background* We’ve been talking to a lot of Dribbble members and visitors lately, in-person at Dribbble meetups, talking to folks online, conducting interviews and usability tests, and we got a ton of great feedback from a global survey that we ran on the site. The number one user request for many years was an iOS app. We checked that box in June and have received so much great feedback. (By the way, lots of really exciting updates are coming to the app next week.) But by far, the biggest complaint that we get from the community is that we have an imbalance in exposure. A select few designers, granted designers who have been on the site for years building up followers (and who we love), have gained dominance of the Designers “leaderboard” and created a monopoly that keeps newer users from gaining exposure, hiring opportunities, followers, etc. The way we fix this long-term is to revisit our search and sorting algorithms to allow both popular and up and coming designers great work opportunities on Dribbble. This algorithm is not something that we don’t want to open up publicly because we’re still fine tuning it. *Pricing* We also talked to a lot of hiring managers and recruiters at companies small and large. A lot of hiring managers we talked to pay $1000/mo for hiring tools and tens of thousands to headhunters and hiring marketplaces. We felt $299/mo was reasonably priced, but we also consider pricing an experiment. We’ll continue to A/B test price points to find the right price for Scout. Historically, Dribbble has done very little marketing or sales of any kind. The higher price point allows us to bring more employers to the designers who are looking for work opportunities. We can accomplish this through advertising, building out marketing and sales functions. Existing Pros are grandfathered to basic access to Scout for free for life (as long as they don’t cancel their subscription). This means existing Pros retain the ability to search for and message designers. Teams will also have basic access to Scout until their annual subscription expires. New Pro and Team subscribers won’t have access to Scout without a subscription. *Location search (our intentions were good, but we missed the mark)* We put a lot of thought into location search. Scout is a tool geared towards hiring managers. If hiring managers are looking for illustrators in Berlin, it’s pretty easy to show them illustrators currently in Berlin. Our goal for expanding the search was to make sure we also captured the illustrator who may not currently live in Berlin, but would really like to live and work there if the right opportunity came along. We wanted designers to be able to show that to potential employers and I wanted potential employers to know about that additional pool of talent. In practice, this didn’t work out quite as I’d hoped for a variety of reasons. Today, we updated this so that after you search for a location you have the option to include people who expressed a desire to work in that area. But by default, we now only show those who currently are in that location (based on their profile location). We’re working quickly to update a few other components of Scout in addition to location, including sorting by follower count so that’s it’s still easy to find the top designers on Dribbble. We have a lot more in the works that will add a ton of value to our community. Thank you for the feedback. We are listening and want to hear your thoughts, ideas, and criticisms. I’m open to direct feedback as well, you can shoot me a note at We are forever working to improve and make Dribbble the best platform on the internet to help designers further their career and craft.
Product Pearson
@dribbble @ursooperduper "but it looks like we fumbled the ball by under-communicating these changes to the community ahead of the release." That tends to be pretty common across tech companies these days. "Existing Pros are grandfathered to basic access to Scout for free for life (as long as they don’t cancel their subscription)" Has this now been made clear to existing users? Have they provided feedback on this option being made available to them?
Ben Tossell
A day after @hemeon announced The Success and Failure of Design Inc. Dribbble introduce Scout How it works: - Find the best designers that match what you’re looking for - Improve your workflow by easily organizing your favorite designers - Connect with and message designers
Noah Stokes
If you've ever tried to hire someone you know the insane amount of time it takes simply to find _good_ people. How much is your time worth? I'm willing to bet (and Dribbble is too) that it's worth more than a measly $200/month.
Kshitij Choudhary
@motherfuton seems good for medium to big businesses but not so much to people who are looking to collaborate on small projects or small bootstrapped startups. It's not just my view a lot of people have the same thing to say to this. Also, the search is jacked.
Noah Stokes
@kshitij_choudhary if people who were looking to collaborate on small projects could keep dribbble afloat then I'm sure they would have kept it as is. My guess is Pro accounts weren't doing enough to keep the lights on. So that begs the question: would you rather have Dribbble + Scout or no Dribbble at all?
Kshitij Choudhary
@motherfuton agree on your view point. There are a lot of things that the team would have considered and I am curious to see what they have in mind.
Tom Johnson
@motherfuton This is a good point. All $200 a month has to do is save a team the cost of 1 job posting, 1/10th the commission of an external agency, or about 5 hours of work across a team. As someone who's spent that time, or close to it whenever I had to hire another FT designer, this isn't bad. Subscribe for the amount of time it takes to find a fit, and the cancel until their contract is up or it's time to expand the team more. Seems rational. On the other hand, as a designer on the platform who doesn't have the throngs of followers, I really have no idea how this affects me. I see a lot of the big players lamenting it, but I'm not sure I get it.
Surjith S M
I think its good for designers who doesn't have tons of followers. Previously when searching, accounts with most followers will come first. So, since a normal start-up company who cannot afford this will have to find a designer from shots. So they will find matching designers from good shots they like, not from the followers count. Good Move Dribbble :D ~Surjith
Kshitij Choudhary
Downvote options ? :D
Duane Wilson✌️
ouch... I miss Design Inc :(
Robert Bye
Top Product
Literally, every man and his dog are trying to build a freelance marketplace for designers these days. Marc Hemon tries it, Crew tried it, I tried it with Availo. And as Dribble bought Crew a while ago, this really isn't a surprise
Ravi Vadrevu
@zack415 - Great to see the launch of Scout. Looks fantastic!
Sheik Mohaideen
Real thing which many dont accept is, dribbble becomes yet another portfolio site. 8 out of 10 designers are now on dribble. Posting GIFs and rebounds are making people get more followers. If you are looking forward to hire UX designers / UI designers with product knowledge- Yo you are in the wrong place.
fred aka (Beasty)
@sheikmohaideena I'm not sure of what you are saying.. there is a ton of great designer on dribbble even if the platform is going in the wrong direction actually.
Corey Haggard
Don't want to get into this too deep, but what is alarming is not so much the cost of Scout. It's how the searching capabilities are implemented. People are backlashing not so much because of the cost, but because of how wonky the search is. You now have designers in different parts of the world that now show up in Los Angeles and visa versa and even going a step further with follower count. A lot of these dribbblers have been on Dribbble for a very long time establishing a high follower count because they produce amazing work. Now their efforts have been a bit skewed because someone with 500 followers is now above someone with 45,000 followers, and sometimes not even showing up in the list at all. We will see how it pans out but I don't think that is a good strategy. I get the fact that things need to be fair, but in all fairness, produce good work, get followers, get clients. Success doesn't happen overnight. Ask those who have thousands and thousands of followers, it took a while I am sure. #sad
Definitely needed, but why so expensive? 😵
Nick Clement
I think I'd rather focus on using my network more efficiently if hiring. This has potential to backfire even further, and who hires based on an 800x600 gif?
So for 300$ per month you get what really? Was a bad idea, they should just kill it
Zack Onisko
Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Here are my latest thoughts on Scout and where we are headed at Dribbble:
Hugh O'Connor

Dribbble is good resource for finding designers. Makes sense that they're trying to make some money, but they have recently changed pricing that's way out of scale for what they're providing.

This will only appeal (maybe) to large corporations. Definite way to kill the soul of something creative and communal.


it's fine as a product


way too expensive.