Michael Sacca

Dribbble for Android - Discover and follow the world's best designers

Dribbble's official app for Android. Discover and follow the world's best designers. Browse and curate amazing design work faster and easier.

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Josh McCray
I'm not an Android user so I've been enjoying the iOS version of the app for awhile now. This looks fantastic though!
Thibaut Collette
I've been using @mathieumaree's app for years now! It was the best Dribbble Android client by far. This new official version is even better. Love you guys!
Congrats on the launch!

it was interesting to see how website about design will design own app


nice usbility, smooth animations and very clean. Love it!


didn't notice any cons

Sazzad Hossain
Honestly, it's a bit late to the market. I think the next major focus for the dribbble team would be to focus more on their landing page. Make it easier for users to find the content and inspiration they need, along with features they have been requesting for years.
Guillaume Parra

I love it, this is what I expected from my favorite website


User Friendly, Minimalist and Clean


Not really

Melanie Fisher-Wellman
Love how clean and simple it is. I might browse Dribbble more often now that it's on my phone – like a more design-focused Pinterest! I was very surprised there wasn't an official app already. It would be nice to have an exit button on the 'Upload a Shot' page (looks like the only way to exit is the native Android back button). Looking forward to using it more!
Seth Richardson 🇺🇸
From the six of us on Android, thank you! #andriodordie
Vikas Raj Yadav

It's finally came on android. I don't know why organizations take android secondary. Waiting from a long time. I'm glad it's here.


Finally for android.


Not able to find yet.

Приложение полезно, очень даже. Когда не дома - можно посмотреть новые и очень увлекательные работы других дизайнеров со всего мира, но заметил уже одно "НО". Когда начал заходить в свой профиль dribbble, ввел пароль неправильно 2-3 раза, на следующий раз всё ввел правильно, выскочило окно с моим профилем, и пропало, выбросило обратно на страницу входа (заполнения данных), я опять ввел тот же пароль, опять перенесло в профиль и выкинуло, потом я закрыл всё вкладки помимо приложения dribbble и попробовал ещё, после этого уже я решил закрыть приложение dribbble и открыть ещё раз, и всё хорошо, зашло:) Как-то так в общем, надеюсь понятно изложил проблему, а может это и не проблема, а мой какой-то косяк. А так приложение понравилось, молодцы!
Ariel Charles
Its good to know that dribbble's effort is focused on android, but I have all my account setting in the google account, and i only can log in with twitter or facebook, I ain't going to use the app until the login google account API is integrated.
Malik Abimanyu

I think this Dribbble app very suite for me (or you) to easily searching inspiration, comment to another work of people. Nice!


Nice UI and UX. And finally it's available for Android, yaay!


There is somthing bug, maybe? When I scrolling header section in profile screen, it's not going automatically down again.

Marvin Bernal
+1 for an official Android app. -1 to a glaring bug. On my Pixel device (though I think any device that doesn't have a hardware keys for back, home & recents) the navigation bar is fully black. I can't see my navigation icons. P.S. If you're an Android fan, check out Plaid, an alternative to a native Android dribbble client. Has sweet animations and respects Material Design principles. https://github.com/nickbutcher/p...