An app that's the composition box of everything
Eric Metelka

Drafts 4 — Quickly capture text on iOS and send it anywhere

Eric Metelka
Drafts belongs in your dock (it's in mine). Not sure what to do with that text? Type it and leave Drafts - no saving, it will be there when you get back. Draft history works like a stack of paper with recent items on top. Drafts 4 takes Drafts to the next level with multi-step actions, locations services integration, JavaScript support, and Share and Today extensions. Full list of new features: https://agiletortoise.zendesk.co... Action directory (a list of custom actions you can add): http://drafts4-actions.agiletort...
Long time user and a huge fan of Drafts! Evernote on mobile is too slow for capture. Drafts is fast! Quickly capture a quick thought or note. Although I only use a handful, actions are very powerful.
Mike Bracco
@alxmlv Evernote is not as bad in terms of capture speed with the iOS 8 Notification center widget but I agree - even so Draft (and their widget as well) is much faster/better for capturing as quick as possible.
@bracco Well, I started using Drafts way before there were widgets in notification bar. I had my Evernote password protected and didn't have Touch ID until recently, so Drafts saved my sanity :) Haven't tried Evernote widget.
Greg Pierce
Thanks @eric3000 & @alxmlv. I am the developer of Drafts and will keeping an eye on things here if anyone has any questions about the app. It's a pretty huge release that keeps the core, quick-capture philosophy in tack while expanding ease and power of the app.
Oskar van Rijswijk
Drafts was already pinned to my dock. I use it many time each day as the starting point for all my typing. It's the marshalling yard for my text. In the huge iOS 8 update to Drafts 4 Greg @agiletoroise Pierce not added many handy new features, but also made the app easier to use. Kudos!