Ahmed Mohamed Gamal

DPLYR - Deploy/host web apps on reliable machines easily.


DPLYR is a tool that helps developers to deploy websites more easily on your machines or on DPLYR's powerful machines. You can deploy Most of the web languages and you can include databases like MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL. And for freeπŸ˜€ Enjoy our product

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Ahmed Mohamed Gamal
Hey Producthunt πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹, We are happy to announce the launch of DPLYR V2.0 DPLYR is a tool that helps people to deploy websites in a matter of a few minutes instead of days. You can deploy your websites on your computers or DPLYR's computers. We offer you a 50% coupon for you: producthunt50 and if you need free trials you can contact me on a.gamal[at]dplyr.dev We support technologies like Node.js, Laravel, Golang, and PHP. Also, we support databases like MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. DPLYR also can deploy popular apps like WordPress, Drupal, and more coming soon... In this version, we've added a ton of features for example and not limited to: - Support for Golang, Laravel & PostgreSQL - Machines by DPLYR (Create Cloud VMs inside DPLYR) - One-click apps (WordPress, drupal and more coming soon)
Medhat Ramadan
Great Job βœŠβœ¨πŸ’―
Ahmed Mohamed Gamal
@medhat_ramadan Thanks Medhat
Ahmed Mohsen
What a great product! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
Ahmed Mohamed Gamal
@ahmedmohsen Thanks Ahmed πŸ˜„
nikos efthias
Hifirst of all this is a very cool product :) do have plans for supporting rust or arbitary docker images for build ?
Ahmed Mohamed Gamal
@nikosef8ias Thanks Nikos for your words. We've plans for docker images building and running and for docker-compose. They'll be delivered in Q3 of this year. You can signup to receive an email when it's available
Renato Ricco
This landing page is a bit broken on ultra-wide monitors.
Ahmed Mohamed Gamal
@rdricco Hello Renato, sorry for that. Can you send me a screenshot on a.gamal@dplyr.dev