Bill Hinostroza

Dope.Link - Make money with dope links

Dope.Link lets you build a following and earn money with one simple tool. Build your list, create products and services, promote offers or advertise to your members.
With Dope.Link you can easily monetize your content and grow your brand to the next level!

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Looks good. I'll try this
Bill Hinostroza
@vivekweb2013 If you have any questions please feel free to reach out!
Bill Hinostroza
Hello Product Hunt! šŸ‘‹ We're extremely excited to share our Product Hunt launch with you all. Looking forward to your feedback, advice, and thoughts. Here are some of the features that you'll find on Dope.Link: šŸ”¹ Removable Branding: Get rid of our brand from your pages. šŸ”¹ Link Scheduling: Prepare all your links to go live when you specify. šŸ”¹ Custom URL: Instead of getting an auto-generated URL you can customize the back-half URL. šŸ”¹ Advance Analytics: Collect and analyze data from your visitors to improve your business efficiency and profitability. šŸ”¹ Social Players: Attach your Spotify, Apple Music, and Tidal music, etc. to your page. šŸ”¹ Mail Signup: Collect emails from your visitors using Mailchimp or utilizing our webhook. šŸ”¹ Pixel Integration: Use pixels from Facebook, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and Quora). šŸ”¹ Advanced Targeting: Only show your links to specific countries, browser language, and/or device types for your shortened URLs. ... and much more. You can view a demo at We are continually adding more features to the platform. We hope to see you using dope links šŸ”„ Thanks and have a good day everyone!
Andy LaRusch
So much potential. These guys are on a rollll.
Bill Hinostroza
@andylarusch Thanks for the kind words andy!
ian ray
Thanks for sharing. The drill-down menus is an interesting addition to a link page. Best of luck!
Bill Hinostroza
@ianthekid Thanks Ian I appreciate it!
Bill Sandel
What. A. Product! Looks great, have been looking to use something like this.
Bill Hinostroza
@billsandel Thanks, feel free to ask any questions!
Ren A
This sounds dope!
Bill Hinostroza
@ren_a Indeed it does!
im an apricot mango
hi! how is this different from linktree?
Bill Hinostroza
@apricot_mango I'll be glad to answer that! Here are a couple of ways we are different from LinkTree. 1) Your username is most likely available Ex: Steve 2) Add your brand to the bottom of your page. 3) Pixel Integration: Use pixels from Facebook, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and Quora). 4) Advanced Targeting: Only show your links to specific countries, browser language, and/or device types for your shortened URLs. 5) Social Players: Attach your Spotify, Apple Music, and Tidal music, etc. to your page. 6) Get API Access To get the full idea you can sign up for free and explore the platform!
Nick Nechanicky
Absolutely killer product! Nice job Bill. I personally like the user interface and functionality much better than Linktree. You earned yourself a new customer.
Bill Hinostroza
@nick_nechanicky Thanks for the kind words!
Daniel James
It's an interesting product. So it's kind of like a Tumblr blog mixed with a Linktree page?
Bill Hinostroza
@danieljames It's really not that optimized for it but it is possible to turn it into a blog with our custom html widget. We have a bit more resemblance to LinkTree than Tumblr.
Daniel James
@billh93 the Tumblr side of it was really more so the design 'vibe' of it rather than blogging but yeah, you get it.
Daniel Akan
Love the design. Will definitely be checking it out
Bill Hinostroza
@akangudaniel Hey Daniel thanks for the kind words. Let me know if you have any questions.
Anton G.
Awesome product! Good luck to Bill and Team!