Theo Masunga

Doodle Party - Doodle journaling made easy to organise thoughts

Doodle Party is a doodle journal notion template made as a way to offload distracting thoughts onto paper for later reference and to see the patterns in your thoughts.
It is divided into 3 sections :
- A how-to
- Weekly logs, and
- Extras

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Theo Masunga
Doodle party is a doodle journal notion template made as a way to offload distracting thoughts onto paper for later reference and to see patterns in my thoughts. Using the template will help you offload your thoughts to free your mind to focus on your important tasks. It is divided into 3 sections: Section 1: Has a how-to guide you on how to use the template and its downloadable content. Section 2: This section has 4 weeks to represent a month's cycle so that it is easier to track your monthly doodled thoughts in the future. Each day has 3 pages and the seventh day has 4 pages to work on, all self-paced, then each page has its own upload space. You can track how you felt while doodling, listen to a lofi playlist, and time yourself. Section 3: It contains chrome extensions, websites, and some notion widgets.