Jeff Needles

Doo for Mac - The popular iOS to-do app, now on Mac

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Mike Ciarlo
Hello Product Hunt! πŸ˜„ My name is Michael and this is my second time posting. I launched Doo for iOS on PH back in February after quitting my job and starting a company. The goal was to wrap a bunch of smart features into a deceptively simple and satisfying interface. Since then I've been overwhelmed and humbled by the response. Fast forward three months and I've read every piece of feedback I could find. That's lead to some major updates on the iOS side. Now I'm back to fulfill the biggest request of them all – a Mac app. I couldn't be more excited to share it with you! I've posted an article on Medium where I talk a little bit about how the last six months have gone, the new features, and some reflections on pricing. Feedback, suggestions, and general thoughts welcome 😊🍺 Thanks! Michael
Thibault Lemaitre
@mciarlo As someone who's been a part of the Beta, I still love and use Doo very regularly. Couldn't wait to get iCloud Sync! THANK YOU!
Mike Ciarlo
@itibz Thanks again for the help testing Thibault :)
Johannes DeMattia
Any plans for a trial? I know it's not very expensive, but still prefer to try things out. Looks very interesting tho.
Zachary Kaczor
Looks great! The design itself looks superb. Awesome work, can't wait to hopefully try it out in the future.
Danny Outlaw
This is awesome! Only question, can I sync iCal with it?
Mike Ciarlo
@dannyoutlaw Thanks Danny! Integration with other apps on OS X and iOS is something I think has a lot of potential. These integrations aren't included just yet.
Danny Outlaw
@mciarlo Cool. Love the idea of having things like personal appointments and reminders in here. Just don't want to have to keep up with two calendars. Love it and use it none the less!
Collin Duncan
Been waiting on this! Amazing app with a gorgeous interface and UX.
Kartik Sathappan
@mciarlo how easy is it to add stuff, does it process natural language? Can i write "clean my car tomorrow at 8pm" and it sets the date?
Mike Ciarlo
@kartikcooks Hi Kartik! It's super easy to add stuff. Natural language isn't included in this release but it's something that I absolutely think is worth investigating. Speed is good :)
Kartik Sathappan
@mciarlo definitely do because the app looks great. I use GoodTask despite it's many flaws because it's so stupidly easy to add a task as well as snooze one later. Would be glad to seek a replacement but natural language input is a must for me. I use tasks every day so I can't lose integral features!
Chandan Kumar
@mciarlo Congratulations!!! How much time did it took to build Mac client for 'Doo'?
Mike Ciarlo
@chandan_im Thanks Chandan! The Mac app took about a month to build. I was able to reuse a lot of the work from the iOS app - including some pretty critical NSDate code.
Ktryn Dchrs
Not for android :( … All the todo app on android sucks… The new Sunrise design is a huge mess……… 😫
@katrynvonfelsen you should try @FamilyInSafe app on android. It is not only todo app, I think you should appreciate it. Ask @oleg_avrah about future update
Habib Khalid
Did you develop it yourself or have to hire someone else?
Mike Ciarlo
@hkhalidz I developed it myself with lots of tears and head banging :)
Habib Khalid
@mciarlo great. That's what I am doing at the moment. Just wanted to validate others were doing the same and I wasn't insane πŸ˜„ The app looks cool in btw.
Mike Ciarlo
@hkhalidz Thanks! Best of luck on your launch πŸ™Œ
Bojan Spaic
I still can't figure out if the app has "nagging" reminders - reminders you are repeatedly notified about, until you snooze them or complete them (i.e. can it replace Due for me).
Do I have to buy both the Mac app and the iOS app separately in order for it to work across devices?
praveena poojary
@Mike Ciarlo This an awesome product. I bought this today morning for my mac book. And today is most productive day in recent times.. I wish you develop this for Android. And way to sync using google or fb login..
Nandor Gaus
Hi Michael, Doo seems to be a very solid piece of hard work and very appealing, but I miss several crucial features that prevent me from using it: 1. Add attachments to entrys (photos from iOS camera roll, Dropbox/Google Drive etc. integration) 2. Categories (i.e. work, private, etc. or user-defined) for sorting the "stack" 3. Tagging and filtering features 4. Web version in order to access to-do's from anywhere (at work with the employer's PC, on travels etc.) Without these 4 functions, the app is not really useful for interactive and busy people with lots of different activities, projects and to-do's IMHO. Thanks for considering.