Domingo Martín 🛠

Tuemilio MVP Validator Toolkit - Email forms and referral waiting lists for indie makers

Tuemilio helps you validate your side project with an email form, a referral waiting list and metrics that matter. Build your MVP easily without coding a backend, the faster you can go the faster you'll be able to quit your day job.

You don't know if your idea is good enough?

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Domingo Martín 🛠
Hello there 👋 I am @manceraio I built Tuemilio when I wanted to validate one of my side projects and I didn't want to set up an email form of a full email marketing platform. From just an endpoint for collecting emails it grew with more features like the API, the referral system and with the integration of more apps. I haven't built a succesful product yet, but with this tool I created for myself I hope it help other makers to go full indie. Tuemilio collect emails of early adopters and visits, it calculates metrics that lets you decide better whether you should keep coding or jump to the next project. You know you have something when your early adopters are referring your products to friends. Just to get up in the waiting list! With Tuemilio you can create a referral waiting list by just one click. It comes with a strong email validator, no more disposable emails in your list. Receive a notification when you get a bunch of new emails, import and export users, add them manually if you need or use the API to automate yourself!
Hao Nguyen
@manceraio Congrats. I’m working on something similar and glad to see someone else on the same path. Looks really nice!
Domingo Martín 🛠
@howwhowhen Thanks, there is a lot of competition for this type of products. I hope there is a little space for each maker! Let me know when you launch.
Tarun Kothari
@manceraio Hey Domingo, Thanks for this amazing product. In India - Emails don't work - they have very poor CTR and people don't mind sharing their mobile number. number and passwords are the primary requirements for login (Check than email and password in all leading eCommerce sites. Please extend this in a way we can collect Mobile numbers of beta users.. Also an OTP based mobile number verification would be a Cherry on the cake.
Domingo Martín 🛠
@tarun_kothari1 I'll think about that and let you know. It should be easy to add.
Guus Hoeve
@manceraio Fantastic! Really solves an idea I had no idea on how to build. For legal sake; how do you handle GDPR? There's nothing on your site about that
Joan Boixadós

As a developer, every time I find a problem I first seek to solve it myself than using other tools. I'm stupid. I spend some hours fighting with a problem and at some point I realize about the real difficulty but still I'm hard-headed and don't want to pay for a service. Thankfully, I was too lazy to build my own referral system and stumbled upon Tuemilio. I've already used it in two sideprojects and it's helped me discard and validate both ideas. I really recommend to set it up early on! Also, it's a bargain!


Super easy to set up, awesome docs, integrates well with other platforms like Drip! The referral system is lit!



Csaba Kissi
Very nice implementation of Tabler theme and great product.
Benny Giang
Hi Domingo, currently trying the use the new product. It looks great! I can't seem to activate the viral growth feature? Is that available?
Chris Zioutas
I was quite interested when I saw this, signed up and I cannot seem to have "access" to the referral feature or see mailchimp integration. Will wait for a reply by the maker. p.s does not see to be GDPR compliant.
Domingo Martín 🛠
@drakoumel Hi Chris, the referral feature is under viral growth. I am working as fast as I can to make it GDPR compliant.
Domingo Martín 🛠
@drakoumel Chris I just found that the feature is hidden for some users. It's a small fix and will be patched in a couple of hours. I'll let you know.
Frank Lai
Congrats on launch! Looks useful. I subscribed to the pro plan, but don't see the viral growth tab like you have. What's going on?
Domingo Martín 🛠
@frank_lai I am very sorry. There is a small bug. I sent you an email with a hotfix. I'll make the update in a couple hours when I have access to my servers!
Ferruccio Balestreri
The referral feature is a killer! Congrats on launch @manceraio
Nimi 🐺
Loved that it comes with clean docs and referral engine is a great plus. Great work!
Marco Piras
Congrats on launching! It's looking great 👏
Aazar Ali Shad
This is a great idea to test MVP. Wont use it immediately but bookmarking it. Why? I have no idea to test yet :-)
I'm using this on my site, it's great!