Thanks @jwmares. Nobody is more disappointed than me for writing a book on such an exciting topic as public speaking but at least it's a lot more entertaining then any others on the topic :). Trust me, tragically in researching this one I read them all :)
My man Dave just published an AWESOME new edition to his book. It's pretty much an entirely new book. I recommend this book to anyone that does any type of public speaking.
Thanks @mattellsworth for the kind words! This one is indeed new and the first published work based on the info I self published and built upon from last year.
Loved this book. I read it during a time that I was developing a couple different talks, and I was constantly closing the book to go back to my presentations and make edits. The tips are really simple but they worked for a lot of laughs at my next speaking gig. Highly recommend this quick read for anyone looking to bring more humor into their speaking but isn't sure where to start.
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Do You Talk Funny
Do You Talk Funny
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Do You Talk Funny
Do You Talk Funny
Read the book over a month ago and got some simple tips to bring more humour into speeches which I received some good feedback on
Pros:Got some great ideas for speeches using more humour