
Do You Need A Blockchain? - Clearing the confusion for once and all


Critically analyze whether a blockchain is indeed the appropriate technical solution for a particular application scenario.

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Hey PH Fam, Blockchain adoption FOMO is real! Hunting this super simple website with you all to help you make an informed decision :) The website is based on Karl Wüst and Arthur Gervais's paper "Do you need a Blockchain?". You can also check out this flowchart to arrive at the conclusion real quick! Have a nice Sunday :)
Tian Zhao
This is actually the wrong question to ask. Blockchain is a technology that is actually more societal-facing, than company-facing as opposed to AI for example. If the question is do "you" as an industry need blockchain, then "yes", but if the question is "you as a company" need it, yeah you're right - most likely not. There's a real fallacy in asking this question because all technologies have affordances, national inborn tendencies towards one thing over other things. Blockchain is one of the 3 core technologies of this 4th Industrial Revolution that is actually more of a society/industry-facing one, one that breaks down barriers, middle-people, and therefore is more of a community/socialistic-force than an individualistic/corporatist-force. It's not like AI which is more individualistic/corporatist nor is it like IoT which is a hybrid of the two.
George Oghenerume
I really need a blockchain
Darius Kincaid
Well, it's undebatable that this technology has a promising future, and it's not surprising that so many companies are thinking about working with it. If you read this article , you'll understand that this technology can be really profitable for people who enter this industry and know enough about it.