Sanzhi Kobzhan

Diversset - Stock screener, efficient portfolio builder

Diversset helps investors find great stocks and ETFs tailored to investors' risk appetite and constructs an efficient investment portfolio. Minimizing portfolio's expected loss and volatility, given investors' required return.

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Sanzhi Kobzhan
How many times have you asked yourself the question, "how to find value stocks that will match your strategy and how to build a well-diversified investment portfolio"? I have heard this question a lot from my former students and clients. Unfortunately, few people can use complicated stock screeners to find great stocks and use portfolio management models to build an efficient portfolio. All this takes time and requires knowledge. I decided to help equity and ETF investors and build a web-based application that does not require financial knowledge or investor's time! Simply answer four questions, and the app will find you stocks and ETFs that match your investment strategy! The application will also build your efficient portfolio from the most liquid stocks sorted based on your profile. An efficient portfolio distributes asset weights in your portfolio in such a way as to get the lowest possible portfolio volatility (the lowest from similar portfolios on the market), given your required return! Diversset also has the "Strategy" section, where I publish possible monthly investment strategies on the US stock market based on investor confidence, economic data, and overall political and financial trends! The app is completely free, and no financial knowledge is required! I hope you will enjoy using the app!