
Dive - Where the best designers never stop learning


Dive is where the best designers never stop learning. Join others in advanced courses led by the top instructors and take a giant leap forward in your career πŸ’ͺ

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Fons Mans
We had such a blast creating this brand! 🀿 I'm beyond excited to launch my first course 'Become a visual Trendsetter' on Dive ✨ During my 4-week cohort course; "Become a Visual Trendsetter," you'll learn how to create visual languages that stand out from the crowd. Now open for enrolment!
@fonsmans You crushed it thanks for everything :)
Welcome to the deep end of design education 🀿 We believe the best designers are the ones who never stop learning πŸ’ͺ So I've partnered with a group of 14 other absurdly talented designers to offer live, advanced courses so you can take a huge leap forward in your career. Dive is all about learning TOGETHER. And it starts today ✌️ Spots are limited so you definitely don't want to miss out on this 48 hour launch offer! Use the code `PH20` to get 20% off all Dive courses :)
I couldn't be MORE EXCITED about the launch of Dive! No matter which course you take, you're gonna be in good hands with a leading designer and change maker in our industry. 🀿 My course on Product Strategy for Designers is open for enrolment now. AMA about the course and I'll happily answer below πŸ™
Austin Saylor
@femkesvs So stoked to see you teaching at amongst the greats (where you belong) πŸ™Œ Dive is much needed.
Irfan Rosandi
@femkesvs I live in Indonesia, any idea what time the live session will be held? even an estimate might help.
@itsaustinsaylor thanks Austin!
@irfanrosandi planning to have sessions at 8am PST and 3pm PST
@femkesvs I'm from Australia so need to clarify. If the session will be on at 8am PST and 3pm PST - do we need to join to both time or just one (either 8am PST or 3am PST)? How long will the session will go each time? Will there be daily sessions or 2-3 times a week or once a week?
Alphonso Morris
This is what the design community needs. Access to world-class designers who want to share their talent and experience. Each one teach one! My Growth Design course is coming soon, stay tuned!!
@youngfonz Cannot wait for this πŸ’ͺ
Kyler Phillips
Very excited to finally see Dive out in the wild! Congrats on the launch, looking forward to checking this out πŸŽ‰
@kylerjphillips thank you for the support! We super appreciate your vote of confidence!!
Criselda Tejada
πŸ”Œ Plugged in
I loved taking Molly's Design System Bootcamp and can't wait to explore the other courses! (PS thank you for using my review on the site, I feel so honoured πŸ₯°)
@cctejada Thank YOU for sharing it :)
Joey Banks
The day is finally here! πŸŽ‰ I'm so excited to have the opportunity to continue teaching those who wish to learn and improve their Figma skills this year. Teaching is what I love to do, and I'm beyond grateful to be part of this launch. I can't wait to help designers through my Going from Beginner to Advanced in Figma course that's now open for enrollment!
Molly Hellmuth
So excited about this launch!! It’s exactly what the design community needs right now. I’ve absolutely loved getting to teach Design System Bootcamp. Can’t wait for cohort #2 to start (enrollment is OPEN!!)
The design community needs to move beyond just the beginner mentality and i think dive is doing the right things here! My no-Code strategies course is coming up and i'm excited to bring this to every designer soon through Dive! :)
@iruhdam24 Can't wait!
Kris Puckett
πŸ’Ž Pixel perfection
Could you imagine a deeper group of design leaders, experts, and incredible humans teaching you design? Ridd has created something truly special with Dive and I can’t wait to see how it changes the design industry for the better.
@krispuckett Means so much Kris thank you
Burke Shartsis
πŸ’‘ Bright idea
This is a massive opportunity for the design community! As a product designer and engineer, I've been in the industry for a while (read: I'm old) and I would have killed for resources like these earlier in my career regardless of my art school education. This is such an incredible cast of respected designers. Until now, the best way to learn from designers like Ridd, Dann Petty, or Bonnie Wolf was to get lucky and work with them. I've worked with a number of great designers and Ridd is, without question, one of the very best. I can't wait to get inside the head of these designers and learn from them up close. Congratulations on the launch @ridderingand πŸ‘
@burkeshartsis So kind Burke. You're a rockstar of a human.
vijay verma
Congrats For Launch πŸš€ It's time to deep dive into design with Dive :)
@realvjy Well said 🀣
Bonnie Kate Wolf
I am beyond excited to be launching the first ever icon design course alongside this talented group of designers and creatives! <3 Let's change the world!
@bonniekatewolf Let's goooooo πŸš€
What a great concept! My jaw dropped when I loaded up the website as well - it's clear that incredibly talented designers are involved :)
@aridutilh Made my day :)
Andy Hsu
Super stoked about this! I've learned SO MUCH from all the content these amazing designers have put out already, can't imagine how great they would be in a course setting! The future of design education!!! πŸ”₯ 🀯
@andy_hsu1 Means a lot thank you Andy!
Johan Steneros
Looks promising. Will take a look.
@jsteneros If you have questions let us know!
Krisztina SzerΓ³vay
Congrats on the launch πŸš€
@krisztina_szerovay Much appreciated :)
Peter Johnston
Super excited for this! Congrats on the launch! @ridderingand πŸ₯³πŸš€
@multiplay3r Thanks Peter :) Always appreciate the support!
Kunal Bhatia
Woohoo! Dream team. Can't wait to see the impact of all the designer growth y'all spur. Curious – what are you as instructors hoping to learn from the first batch?
@kunalslab Always appreciate the support Kunal. That's a great question! Hopefully lots πŸ˜… We're going to be trying all kinds of new formats, learning journeys, etc. So these pilot cohorts will be VERY hands on because we want to learn as much as possible from students in order to ensure an A+ experience. Like any product, there will be some iteration for sure :)
Kai Gradert
Love it πŸ₯°