Tinder is very efficient, but are there still inefficiencies in the process. Too much banter before the real action.. Why not just meet in person for some tasty chicken at on a HOT lunch date at KFC?
@jammingoldstein@nickmaxwell10 hey Ben, I noticed the subdomain kfc.fastfooddates.com so, are you thinking about mcdates? mc.fastfooddates.com ? haha :) Anyway, we all know that every dating product must attract girls first. Then, boys will come. You are assuming that 1. hot girls go eating to KFC and (more importantly): 2. hot girls like to go to KFC on a date with a stranger. So, my question is: do you know any famous, healthy fast food? Did you think of bluebottle as a partner, instead of fast food restaurants?
blueboottle date would be:
- quicker
- more "trendy"
- geographically limited, so you don't need big numbers for a critical mass
- bb would probably care more than KFC
- bb is well connected to bay area tech entrepreneurs