Priority inbox for Slack
Stedman Blake Hood
Dispatch — Priority inbox for Slack
Do you spend hours a day in Slack?

With Dispatch priority inbox you can...
✔ Stop missing messages
✔ Focus on your top priorities
✔ Prioritize messages based on sender, channel, message content, and more
Stedman Blake Hood
Hello hunters! @cathy_chen, @danielde, and I are super excited to share that as of today Dispatch is out of private beta. This means anyone can sign up and start using Dispatch as their priority inbox for Slack! How we got here: We started building Dispatch after experiencing the "always on" chaotic culture of modern work at our last jobs. We were constantly juggling messages, to-dos, and tickets. We wanted to focus on our top priorities without risking things slipping through the cracks. In a flood of messages, we struggled to answer the question: "What's the most important thing that I need to see right now?" And so we built Dispatch. How it works: • Treat conversations as to-dos. Archive them when you're done to achieve inbox zero. • Noisy conversations? Mute them so you can get back in the zone. • Blocked on something? Snooze a conversation until you’re ready to take action on it. • Prioritize messages based on sender, channel, keywords, and more… so that you can focus on your highest priorities. What you can expect: ✔ Stop missing messages ✔ Focus on your top priorities ✔ Get more done in less time Promo We’re offering the PH community 10% off (forever!). Use promo code PH230216 at checkout. Thanks! Thank you to all our early users and PH community for your feedback after our last launch. We've since been working hard on improving Dispatch. We couldn’t have gotten here without y’all. ❤️ That said, we're still in the early days, and have much yet to learn. So if you live in Slack, we’d love to hear about your challenges, and how Dispatch could help. 👉 Give it a try here 👈 – macOS only – Windows coming soon!
@cathy_chen @danielde @stedmanblake , **Congrats on the launch** , very clear idea. I believe it's a game changer for those who use Slack heavily for community or customer management
BTW, can you tell me how to use rich text content in the comment? Like this one above 👆🏻
Andrew Linfoot
super excited about this!!! have been waiting for the public launch for months. now I can get my whole team onboarded 🙌 congrats!! @cathy_chen @danielde @stedmanblake 🎉
Stedman Blake Hood
Thanks @andrewlinfoot! 🚀
Stedman Blake Hood
@oe_zheng gold old HTML baby!
Dave Fontenot
Oh wow does this work across multiple slacks? I'm in way too many rn and the notifications are so intimidating that I'm usually hesitant to even open a lot of them at this point.
Stedman Blake Hood
@davefontenot you're in good company 😅😅😅 -- and yes! With Dispatch you can connect all of your Slack workspaces into a single, unified priority inbox.
Gray MacKenzie
I've been a daily Dispatch user for the past 4 months and it's taken my Slack game to the next level. The simple stuff (like snoozing messages to custom times + much easier than native Slack) has been so helpful for managing and properly prioritizing the hundreds of channels I'm in. At ZenPilot, we run all of our client support on Slack and Dispatch has been a key tool in the tech stack. Big congrats to @stedmanblake, @cathy_chen, & @danielde on the launch here and move out of private beta 🙌
Stedman Blake Hood
Thanks so much Gray - it's been a joy to work with you and help you scale yourself at Zenpilot. Onward!! 🚀 @cathy_chen @danielde @sgraymackenzie
Connor Zwick
Wow super excited to see how far this has been developed so far. This threaded organization system seems to be a total game changer. Two questions: 1) when is a mobile app coming? 2) how do you know how to prioritize which messages?
Stedman Blake Hood
Hey @connorzwick -- yeah it's come a long way since you tried our alpha version so long ago! 1) when is a mobile app coming? Mobile app is coming later this year! Very popular feature. I'll let you konw when it drops on TestFlight. 2) how do you know how to prioritize which messages? Dispatch makes it easy to prioritize messages based on sender, channel, keyword, user type (guest, bot, etc), and more. More info on Rules here: https://www.dispatch.do/articles...
Stedman Blake Hood
Thanks @inaherlihy -- you've been such an amazing supporter. Grateful to have you in our corner 💪
Zain Shah
Incredible work from a team truly dedicated to making something people want. Congrats on the launch!
Stedman Blake Hood
You're the best @zan2434 -- thanks for the kind words. Grateful to have you in our corner 💪
Chintan Parikh
I've been using Dispatch for the last few months! It's incredible - really has changed to game for me
Stedman Blake Hood
Thanks @chintanparikh94! Your feedback has been incredibly helpful - Dispatch would not be where it is today without you 🙇‍♂️ It's been an absolute pleasure to work with you and help streamline your Slack comms
Alex Zirbel
Dispatch is amazing!! Congrats on the launch @stedmanblake and @cathy_chen :)
Stedman Blake Hood
Thanks Alex! You were one of our earliest alpha users - we really couldn't have done it w/out you. @cathy_chen @alexzirbel
Parthi Loganathan
Congrats on the launch!
Stedman Blake Hood
@parthi_logan - you've been so helpful throughout our journey - so grateful for your support 🙏
Max Kolysh
let's go @stedmanblake!!!
Stedman Blake Hood
@maxkolysh thanks for your support Max!
Raphael Fleckenstein
Much needed product! Big problem that things go lost in Slack
Stedman Blake Hood
Thanks @raphael_167! We couldn't agree more 😅
Evan Stites-Clayton
I find slack really cluttered and distracting. What are some of the ways that you help me cut through the noise?
Stedman Blake Hood
@the_esc 1/ separating the *highest priority* messages from everything else *Prioritization*: Dispatch let's you create separate inboxes for each "bucket of work" that you get in Slack. Messages from customers, DMs from teammates, and important bot notifications can all be routed to custom inboxes based on Rules. https://www.dispatch.do/articles... 2/ keeping track of the *status* of tasks and to-dos that come in as chat messages *Keeping track of messages*: with Dispatch, all messages stay in your inbox until you've explicitly taken action on them: - marking them ✔️ Done - or 🕥 Snoozing them until later
Earl Lee
Amazing for boosting deep work and working with customers via Slack
Stedman Blake Hood
Thanks @earlvlee! We couldn't agree more 🤗
Usama Ejaz
This looks like a game changer for managing Slack messages! How does it prioritize messages exactly?
Stedman Blake Hood
@usamaejaz Two ways! 1/ You can set a default inbox for all of your channels https://www.dispatch.do/articles... 2/ You can create custom Rules - "IF this, THEN that" statements to route messages based on channel, sender, message content, etc. www.dispatch.do/articles/what-ar...
Hunter Horsley
Henrik Lenerius
This is exactly what I've been missing about Slack! I recommend every slack user to try it out!! Finally a sane workflow in Slack 🤪
Stedman Blake Hood
Thanks for the kind words Henrik! We've loved building Dispatch alongside you - and your kind words make all our hard work worth it 🤗 🙏 @henrik_lenerius
Matthew Busel
Absolutely epic product from an incredible team. Solves a major problem. Hats off!
Stedman Blake Hood
Thanks @mbusel - means a lot coming from a prolific builder like you 🙇‍♂️
Amelia Goodman
congrats on the launch!! i’m about to start using slack more just so I can fully utilize dispatch lol. I love it!
Cathy Chen
@ameliagoodman Thanks Amelia 🤗
slack should buy this lol
Zain Memon
This is awesome! Are y'all planning on building a mobile app?
Stedman Blake Hood
Absolultely @zain! This is a popular request from our users and we're excited to get the TestFlight app in their hands later this year.