Dan Lewis

Digital Profile - Matching digital & tech professionals to jobs


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This is an interesting platform. Do you consider adding "Remote" as Location? A lot of freelancers are looking for project based contracts, remote. I think it would be useful to have/sort by :)
Dan Lewis
@nohinder Thanks for having a look! It's a great point. In a recent build we've done just that. In those cases, we'll match professionals to jobs based on their skills. We're also got a set of filters in development that will let you specify that remote is what you're looking for (and of course, users can still discover roles using good old fashioned search!). Thanks for the input :)
@danlewistech Thanks for the reply. Looking forward to try. Because i am based (now) in Sibiu, Romania, there are no jobs around me. And i am only looking remote :D Will check out your product more often.
Dan Lewis
It's sticker bonanza day today! Everyone who registers will get a DP sticker in the post. After all, as @wodlander says... 'Digital Profile's sticker game is out of this world' - so don't miss out! Hi everyone, Really pleased to share Digital Profile. We’ve just launched our version 2 features so it seems a good time to let you know about it! It’s a digital careers platform. This week we’ve added our dashboard that matches users to jobs based on their skills and location. We want Digital Profile to be a home for digital career progression so we’re preparing to integrate digital courses and accreditation too. On top of that, we’ll build in cultural factors to our matchmaking because we know that a good fit is much broader than just the right skills. While we’re at it, we plan to overhaul the traditional recruitment business model. All jobs posts are free. We’ll have clear monthly subscriptions for our more advanced matchmaking tools. You’ll find none of that %-of-salary commission structure business here! To keep it relevant and high quality, we also screen out recruitment companies. It’s just digital professionals and the companies seeking them. Users apply directly to roles with their Profile (no CV or resume!) - and then you can chat directly through the platform. I’d really love to hear what you think. I’m here all day to listen and to answer your questions. Thanks!
Dan Lewis
We've had a few issues with the postcode finder but working on it. Try first line of address or postcode.
Dan Lewis
It's sticker bonanza day today! Everyone who registers will get a DP sticker in the post. After all, as @wodlander says... 'Digital Profile's sticker game is out of this world' - so don't miss out!
Neil Cocker
Looks good, Dan. What's your plans for "onboarding", when this is such a competitive space? I've thankfully not had to look for a job for a long time, but I imagine that these days there are a million and one spaces looking for me to upload a CV, create a profile etc. In other words, why would I want to use you, and not anyone else? :-)
Dan Lewis
@neilcocker Hey Neil, thanks for the question! There's two sides here. From the user's perspective, there is no CV - just a beautiful Profile. You can apply with one click. Privacy is a big thing for us, so your Profile is only seen by the companies you apply to. There's no recruiters on the site, so you chat directly with the company advertising. Which brings me to an important aspect. We know that cultural fit is just as important as matching skills, so we're building algorithms that will suggest users to jobs based on things like what music gets played in the office and a load of other indicators. For companies there's a great value proposition: free job posts, forever. No %-of-salary commission fees. No recruiters. Our more advanced matchmaking tools will be available on clear monthly subscriptions. And that's it! And one side pushes the other - lots of companies with tech jobs will bring in users and vice versa :) Thanks again!
Your Digital Profile characters are amazing. Where did the concept of the art come from? It's so creative - I love it.
Dan Lewis
@debhopkins20 Thanks Deb, was our good friend called @Bluegg, a great branding company
Prashant Sharma
down vote :(
Dan Lewis
@iprashantsharma Sorry Prashant, could you give me an idea of what made you feel this way so we can work on the product and it's floors. It's still in MVP stage and we understand it's still light on content. It's only been going a week on this version.
Brian W Reaves
Notification about incorrect password formatting doesn't mention the limitations on special characters. As well, if there are password requirements/limitations, show them before a user tries to create their account password... for best practice UX. Also, using LinkedIn to create an account would optimise account creation time investment.
Dan Lewis
@brianwreaves Thank's Brian, noted and will look at making these amendments. Good suggestions. We're working on new social integrations :)
Dan Lewis
You can now make your profile public and apply for any job with you Digital Profile.