Dan Lewis

DigitalProfile - Digital CV platform to find jobs that match your skills


Replace your CV with a Digital Profile to get personalised career matches & professional development. Free forever.

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Gareth K Thomas
Just had a look @danlewistech and it's looking really good. Always been a big fan of the Digital Profile style/branding. You guys are really doing Cardiff/Wales proud. My first thought upon landing on the homepage was that I wanted to see a great example of someone's profile. Any thoughts on that? Would also love to hear about what's next?
Dan Lewis
@garethkthomas Great idea. How you fancy being the person :)
Applingua | Translating Experiences®
@danlewistech @garethkthomas It's one of those brands where you can remove the name and still know which brand it is. Very well done!
Dan Lewis
Would love feedback on our new platform. We're putting peoples privacy first in the hiring process.
Sam Goudie
@danlewistech I hadn't thought of privacy in this context. Have you found that this is a big issue for people looking / applying for a job? There's definitely a culture of being 'on sale' with freelance boards.
Dan Lewis
@sgoudie Yeah huge issue, the stories of being contacted years after posting an old CV somewhere and forgetting is the typical one. We'll provide you with an audit of your private links so you can cancel them when you want.
Marc Thomas
@danlewistech It's been great watching you develop this. What was the driver for making such a big raft of changes to the product recently? I'd be interested to know if this has affected the way you think about your business model too. Happy launch day! 🚀
Dan Lewis
@iammarcthomas Changes were driven from speaking with targeted customer base to find out needs. We missed a few things from the first version and had to relook at our offering. Bringing in an ATS for businesses that looked after the process and took away the pain of manual day today tasks. Also our messaging was complicated and confusing. (Hopefully much clear now) :) Our SaaS offering has certainly changed to deal with the variety of businesses that wanted to access the platform.
Lachlan Kirkwood
Amazing website UI! Would love to see an example version of a profile.
Ash Phillips
@lachlankirkwood likewise! @danlewistech I'd be curious to know if you've A/B tested a version of the homepage with actual profile shots vs vector images like you have now, and the results of that? General curiosity mostly! :)
Dan Lewis
@lachlankirkwood @theashphillips It on the list to do. We went with vectors but people seem want a profile view.
Hammad Akbar
Can you elaborate more about smart job matching ?
Dan Lewis
@hammad_akbar Bit complicated to explain on here but I'll try and get more detail added to the site.
Callum Chapman
This is looking awesome @danlewistech, love the branding!
Dan Lewis
@callumchapman Thank you Callum.
Dmitry Kotlyarenko
Really cool product. Great job!!😊
Christopher Damitio
Looking really good guys! Great work!
Mehdi Nakouri
A non boring format to showcase your prrofile. Nice thinking regarding privacy.
Suraj Pabba
Awesome product, do you intend in the future to allow individuals to map their own domain to their profile?
Dan Lewis
@spabba Great idea Suraj! Will add to the list :)
I like the idea, but the execution is not quite there yet, mainly because of some technical issues (that can be fixed of course): 1. Found unsafe scripts (namely when clicking the "More Skills" button), which means malicious code could be injected and compromise your profile, information, perhaps the entire website itself. Wanting to take a stance on privacy, this is critical for the security (and thus privacy) of the users. 2. Add link button not working. I get the input field, but when I add to my links, it striaght up dissapears. Tried it on multiple browsers and couldn't get it to work. 3. The "Experience" section is halfway hidden before the "Education & Qualifications" - this is a simply frontend design fix. 4. In "Education & Qualifications", you have to select from the dropdown menu, so if your particular school isn't listed, you can't list it because of data validation rules. So this section is likely blank for many users who still don't have their institution on the dropdown. 5. Would be nice to get a scale option for the profile picture. My picture is square, and because the shape on DigitalProfile is a circle, it doesn't wrap completely. Having a slider that allows you to scale the picture would help out with this. Didn't get to anything else after I hit these shortcomings. Also not a fan of the 10+ cross-site trackers. I think once the rough edges are smoothed out, this could be a nice addition to everyone's digital presence.
Dan Lewis
@hiramfromthechi Thanks for the awesome feedback Hiram, yes still a few bugs to tackle. Hopefully once all found they will be gone next week. I've passed these on to the tech team.
Dan Lewis
It's been a few weeks since @digital_profile went live. We got featured on @producthunt , @betalist, & a partnership with Fedcap Employment. We've added new features for companies recruiting, dashboards, candidate comparison, kanban candidate manage, and list management. We've also got a 30% discount for @ProductHunt fans - h3rS4g3M