I've been using Digit for months and it's one of those products that I find myself regularly recommending. Saving money has been on autopilot, leaving me with far more cash set aside than would have otherwise. It's been easy, and even fun, to have my bank balance more top of mind (wow, weird to type that).
One of the things I really enjoyed about Digit was that it was nearly entirely SMS-based. I enjoyed that as the UI and getting a text pushed to me every day was the kind of experience I needed. Would love to hear from someone at Digit why they felt a native app was necessary and am looking forward to trying it out.
Hey @anthonymarnell, glad to hear your enjoying Digit so far!
We built the app for 2 primary reasons:
1. For people who wanted to visually see their money vs. it being in this nebulous SMS world.
2. To show people what Digit can do via custom keyboard vs. needing to remember different commands command line style.
That being said if pure SMS works for you than don't change a thing!
Hopefully and Android version is in the works, I've been using Digit quite a bit the past few months. Great service, for those who tend to spend recklessly sometimes :)
Congrats on the iPhone launch! I'm always amazed at how much Digit has been able to save for me, and I love that it's completely invisible and out of mind, which is something that's almost never said when it comes to personal finance...
@ebloch@philipamour These awesome finance/banking apps NEVER come to the UK. Is it a limitation in our banking system, or is it just a case of nobody has done it yet?
Been using Digit for over 2 years, and absolutely love it. Couldn't recommend it enough, as it has helped pay for concert tickets, mini-vacations to Chicago and so much more - without realizing you are really saving. I don't, however, understand this app at all or why it is necessary. I downloaded and immediately uninstalled. Was this created by the same folks who made the Quartz app?
@kevinreape LOL. It's not made by same folks as Quartz by with love by the folks at Digit :-)
If pure SMS works for you than don't change a thing! We built the app for 2 primary reasons:
1. people who wanted to visually see their money vs. it being in this nebulous SMS world.
2. To show people what Digit can do via custom keyboard vs. needing to remember different commands command line style.
However we did not build that app to replace SMS, it's a companion.
I'm a horrible budgeter and saver. Digit has completely taken my poor saving habits out of my control by automating withdrawals from my bank account based on my spending, and I can always opt to save more or less. I am a total Digit fangirl, though I've totally wiped my savings clean while preparing to move apartments. (And I still probably need to sell a kidney to afford housing in the bay area)
Ethan, Just downloaded the app. Great idea and UI. Have you thought about making widgets so finance blogs can show off how much money they saved each money thanks to Digit?
This page/hunt could really use a better description of what Digit is. (Example: "Stash away $ by auto-xfering small amounts to savings.") I imagine it would get more clicks and interest.
LOVE Digit. I first learned about Digit through CFSI's Financial Solutions Lab, and I've been a huge fan ever since.
Question for @ebloch: do you foresee turning the SMS option off for those who have d/led the iphone app or will you stick with SMS as the primary channel for communicating with your users?
Awesome! I'll probably stick with SMS but I know my boyfriend didn't want to use the SMS version so he'll probably sign up now. :)
I could not love Digit more. I'm horrible with money - when I see it in my account, I spend it. I'm the worst. I have Digit set to save as aggressively as I can afford, and then completely forget I have it. (Literally - there have been times where I'm completely stressing about money, thinking I have none, then a Digit text comes later that day and I feel like an idiot.)
That's come in handy so many times, like when my computer crapped out and I needed to buy a new one, or when I decided to take a last-minute vacation. And I'm actually saving money for once, which is obviously nice. ;)
I f'ing love Digit, especially for a Millenial that can't save money for my life, this SMS (now an app) helper has been a lifesaver. Since Oct I have saved over $315.00 and I don't even notice how little they take out!
It was unclear to me that Digit does not transfer from my Checking to my Savings Account, earning me interest. Best thing to do might be to automatically transfer from Digit to your own Savings account right away.
I used this product when it first came out. It broke its connection wit the bank for no reason. Tech support's only solution is to cancel the 'saving', get your money back and start over again.... kind of lame in my opinion... all history is gone, nothing... I am not sure if the latest version works any better.
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