Leigh Isaacson

Dig 2.0 - A dating app for dog lovers everywhere

Dig is the best way for dog lovers and dog owners to find a compatible match and plan a dog-friendly date. Meet dog-lovers, search dog-friendly locations near you for date ideas, and get daily deals from pet companies. Find someone you really Dig!

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Leigh Isaacson
A few years ago, my sister was dating a guy who tried to be a dog person for her. By the end of the relationship, he didn’t want the dog in his apartment or he’d put towels down on the couch so the dog didn’t touch anything. She said to me, I wish I just knew from the start that this wasn’t going to work because of my dog. Together we made Dig. Dig is the best way for dog lovers and dog owners to find a compatible match and plan a dog-friendly date. So far, 100,000 people have turned to Dig to find love. We get the word out in a unique, cost-efficient way and address pain points in both the booming, $75 billion pet industry as well as the growing world of niche dating apps. Our big, dog-friendly events nationwide are exclusive for Dig users, they provide lots of press and enthusiasm, and offer dog-companies hyperlocal means of getting in front of our dedicated and emotional dog-loving users. 55% of single adults in the US are pet owners, with dogs leading the way. There are more than 20 million single dog owners over the age of 25 in the U.S. alone! We're helping people find someone they really Dig.
@leigh_isaacson What are the most popular cities Dig operates in?
Leigh Isaacson
@abadesi hi! Dig has users in all 50 states, and the most popular are NY, LA, Dallas, and Seattle.
Jake Shinder
heard you guys on The Pitch podcast just the other day! cool concept-keep going!
Leigh Isaacson
@jake_shinder Hey!! Thanks, Jake!
Aaron O'Leary
Hi Leigh! What's different since you last launched on Product Hunt?
Leigh Isaacson
@aaronoleary hi! We’ve launched our Android App in addition to the iOS, launched with official dog-friendly events in 15 cities, opened up Dig Unleashed - unlimited matching, and more! Thanks for asking!
Liz Zvereva
Hey, Leigh! Did you ever think of making a side app where you can make friends with other dogs? It would be awesome to use an app, not just for dating, but make friends too.
Leigh Isaacson
@liz_zvereva Absolutely! There are so many amazing ways that pet people can connect. Meeting dog-loving friends, families that want to meet other families with dogs (it can be hard to find places BOTH kid friendly AND dog friendly!), and to connect other types of pet people, too! It's definitely in the plans.