Dru Wynings

Crawly - Never write another web scraper

Turn websites into data in seconds. Crawly spiders and extracts complete structured data from an entire website.

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Dru Wynings
Hey ProductHunters! Crawly is a free tool I built that uses Diffbot's automatic article extraction api to turn web content into structured data. I've used it for creating a centralized database of all of our content, but you could also use it to do content audits / migrations or analyze your competitor's content. It's currently limited to 200 pages and only articles at the moment, but I plan to add support for scraping products in the future. Any other features you'd like to see added?
@druwynings images?
Erik Dungan
@druwynings You should really update that page to clarify the "articles only" caveat. Especially when the tagline on your home page is "No rules required"
Dru Wynings
@callmeed Will do! Like I mentioned, support for products, discussions, images, and videos is in the works.
Matt Gardner
Awesome!!! Looking for a replacement for Kimono (https://www.kimonolabs.com/) since they got acquired by Palantir. Need something to power my Slack menu bot ;)
Neil Cocker
Looks great. Congrats on the launch! I can see some nice applications for this. One suggestion - I understand that it might take a while to scrape the data, but an instant email to say it will be X minutes, or just a notification after email input would be good, to manage expectations. I used it 10 mins ago, and am on the verge of tears that I still have no email... ;-)
Dru Wynings
@neilcocker Hey Neil, things should be back to normal. Servers were crumbling under the PH load :)
Dru Wynings
@neilcocker I didn't want to inundate people with unnecessary emails, but I don't want people crying either...
Neil Cocker
@druwynings Tears are over. All working now. Very impressive. Good work - this will definitely be very useful.
Eric Iannaccone
I would love to be able to scrape sports stats easily!
Rob Spectre
Diffbot is such a useful service for manipulating published content - huge fan of this team.
Yugendhar Devale
How can I try this? I think there is some server issue Code 503.
Dru Wynings
@go_venky Sorry about that! Things should be back to normal *fingers crossed*.
Erik Dungan
The potential of this is really big and there are clearly needs across a lot of industries. Unfortunately, my tests with some ecommerce product pages had less than stellar results.
Dru Wynings
@callmeed Thanks Erik. If you'd like, I can set you up with a Diffbot trial account for crawling ecommerce pages. Interested?
Sarthak Grover
Awesome! Any plans for a command-line version in the future?
Dru Wynings
@sarthakgrover To be honest, probably not. That being said, Crawly's big brother is Crawlbot (https://www.diffbot.com/products...) which has a fully-supported API (https://www.diffbot.com/dev/docs...)
Mat Newton
love the name! Nothing else to add. Just love the name. Great movie.
Dave Lynam
Is there a way to customize what data gets scraped? The ability to mouse over elements and select/de-select them would be ideal.
Dru Wynings
@drlynam Not at the moment within Crawly. That's something that we fully support using our Custom Api (http://www.diffbot.com/products/...)
Christopher Leach
@druwynings Any student access at a cheaper price? love this kinda stuff but don't have the money for it
abdullah m. ceylan
@datarade wow, great! My fav is apifier ofcourse.
Surjith S M
Just tried not so great. 1. does not capture the actual URL, it captures root/ folder 2. We can save as json and csv? what's the use of that? We need to call the API each time right? is it only onetime getting?
Julius Muraguri
Hello there Please can it be used to collect data from websites into airtable
Andrey Demchenko
Seems, like a suitable solution for small data scraping tasks, I am going to make a little testing to it right now! However, for more extended tasks, it is reasonable to go for professional services on request, like this one https://data-ox.com/webscraping-..., for instance. This guys can also develop a custom tool for specific needs, by the way.
Looks great. Scraping data from sites is a pain. Well done.