Paul Glushak - A new home for your blog, journal, projects or rants is a minimalist, clean, ad and tracking free publishing platform for your blog, journal, articles, code or even recipes.

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Paul Glushak is a place for humans to share things with their friends, colleagues or even the world. Be the your blog, a journal, a diary or even your recipe book - anything is welcome, and it is up to you whether you want to share what you wrote with anyone. does not have any kind of social features, ads or tracking. It's purely a place for you to write, in peace, without any kind of noise. I do my best to learn, together with you, what makes the best, most enjoyable, most straightforward experience when writing things. Feedback, ideas, suggestions and wishes are always welcome, as is a platform for YOU. Read more about the idea and driving force behind here:
Paul Glushak
@igorzij Hey Igor! Thanks, your feedback is much appreciated! As you have noticed, not all issues have been ironed out just yet, but I assure you they will be addressed. The point that I wanted to address with is to create a simple to use and clean (both visually and fundamentally), alternative platform to the big ones out there. I realize that this goal might be a bit farfetched all things considered, but I figured that if I create something that I will like using, there will most likely be someone else who shares my vision.
Dmitry Reznikov
I'm dead set on giving it a test run in the coming days as it appears very applicable to my current job.
Paul Glushak
@dmitry_reznikov Hey Dmitry, thanks for checking it out! Would love to hear what you think once you give it a go.
Đọc truyện Az
woww tuyệt vời đó bạn
I love it very efficient , I already have my id:D
Paul Glushak
@tochiro Thanks! I found that streamlining the experience contributes a lot through trial and error as well as personal experience with other tools.
Seems like a very intuitive product that will provide an enjoyable experience! Congrats :)
Paul Glushak
@urbomo Thanks! That's what I'm hoping to achieve.
Ognjen Regoje
Could you please clarify what options are there for exporting. The homepage doesn't mention anything.
Paul Glushak
@ognjenio Hey! Thanks for checking it out. Export functionality will be available soon - it's currently on the roadmap - For the time being, if you'd like an export of your data please get in touch.
Amber Sean
Congrats! Seems like a very practical product that seems fun!
Paul Glushak
@sharlyne_simon_123rf Thanks for checking it out, Sharlyne!
Ivan Saverchenko
Guys, good luck with the launch of the project!🚀
Heidi Rock
Thanks for the product
Paul Glushak
@heidirock Thank you for checking it out!
Ishaan Dixit
Looks great. Love the plain paper-like layout. It would be really cool to see textured paper backgrounds and some form of aesthetic customizability. Keep it up.
Paul Glushak
@ishaandixit_ Hey Ishaan! Appreciate you checking it out! actually allows adding custom CSS as part of the extra features (, so adding a paper background becomes very easy :)
Jan Brya
Curious about this
Paul Glushak
@janbrya You're more than welcome to register and give it a shot!
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Paul Glushak
@pixelbee Thank you!
Nur Muhammad Luthfi
Looks promising. This is what I'm looking for. Simple, free and no hassle setup. I will give it a shot. If I'm satisfied, are you open donation via crypto?
Paul Glushak
@nmluthfi I'm happy to hear you're liking it so far! We're currently accepting donations via Patreon (see but I'm sure we can work something out!
Anton Medvedev
Aaaand.... it now working. 403
Paul Glushak
@new_user_328e1bef0c Apologies for that! Looking into it.
Paul Glushak
@new_user_328e1bef0c Issue fixed, apologies once more!