Aaron O'Leary

Surface Book 3 - Microsofts latest iteration on the Surface Book

Surface Book 3 is our most powerful laptop ever, providing up to 50% more performance than Surface Book 2 and up to 17.5 hours of battery life.

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Can Aslan
Why is the Surface Book, which is considered a MacBook competitor, is only available in a handful of countries while MacBook is available almost everywhere?
Jack Smith
I'll definitely be buying this, as the surface book 2 has been an awesome computer for me. But this looks like a bit of a let-down vs what was rumoured. It looks identical to surface book 2, but with an upgraded processor and Ram. The rumours had more interesting features.
Halid Cisse
i9 ??
Charlie Doern
looks super similar to SB2... not too much of an upgrade
Victor Moraes
Does it have thunderbolt on USB-C connector?