Congrats on the product launch! Very few people care about CRO, but it is the highest leverage in marketing from my experience. Easiest way to scale faster because then you can spend more money on ads/marketing.
@neilpatel couldn't agree more! We see the impact we have on websites we work with and how they grow their businesses. Merchants spend 90X more on ads than CRO. With more care on this channel, there can be a tremendous impact on the ability of the merchant to grow. And thanks Neil for supporting us :) We extremely appreciate it!
@sandeep_virk Hi Sandeep. Dialogue’s interface offers advanced customisation capabilities with a simple customisation panel, as part of our no-code approach. From controlling the size, colours, fonts and many other options.
The year is 2021 - imagine every Shopify storefront is a unique David and every big-box commerce store is a modern Goliath. The famous slingshot in our story? That's Dialogue
Nice product, a little demo would have been appreciated though. Is it from experience and testing that you can give out the numbers "500%" increase of likelihood of a purchase, "10-40%" improvement of merchant's conversion rate, etc? That's pretty impressive
@afik_rec although Dialogue can run on any type of website, It is most efficient with stores that have large inventory, since its value amplifies. Session time in E-commerce can be very short, and you as a merchant want to make sure, that each user will get the best our of your inventory thought the session to increase the chance to a successful conversion. Make a long story short - it will be very effective :)
Thank @assaf_dudai! We believe that personalized customer experiences, should be beyond standard product rec, to the point of each user will get it's own tailored message (based on it's intent) Scheduling Chrome Extension