Jack Smith

iOS Development E-Book Bootcamp - Learn to code & build iOS apps withΒ no experience for $0 πŸ’»πŸ“±


We're beyond excited to bring you our iOS Development E-Book Bootcamp – an 800+ page e-book provided for free by Devslopes. πŸ™Œ It is intended for complete beginners. Read it on our site or download the ePub for free. 😁

You'll go through:

πŸ’» Learning to code in Swift

🚲 Beginner iOS

πŸš— Next Step iOS

🏎 Intermediate iOS

🎨 App Design

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Caleb Stultz
Hey Hunters πŸ‘‹ We are so stoked to share this resource with you here today. I’m Caleb from Devslopes – we’ve taught 250,000+ people how to build amazing apps, websites, games, and blockchain projects. Our specialty? Taking complex topics and making them accessible to complete beginners. πŸ‘ Our students are from all over the world in amazingly unique walks of life. One student built and sold an app to Glu Games for $500K in 2016 and now runs a freelance app development business. Another beginner student built and launched his own entrepreneur social network in 3 months. We’ve even taught Redfoo (yes, from LMFAO). 🀘 Here’s what he had to say about our platform:
In this book, you’ll journey through: πŸ’» Learning to code in Swift 🚲 Beginner iOS πŸš— Next Step iOS 🏎 Intermediate iOS 🎨 App Design We wrote this book because learning to code can be tough. Our CEO, @markprice taught himself how to write code in 2007 completely on his own. It was one of the most difficult experiences of his life. Resources were few, and support was non-existent. 😿 Today is a lot different. Learning to code is now a "thing" and resources are everywhere. We wanted you to be able to carry along a guided learning path you can learn from at any convenient time. 😺 You have been set on a path for success. That doesn't mean that learning how to code is going to be easy. It probably won't be. You are going to get discouraged. You are going to tell yourself, "I don't have the brain for this" and you're going to want to give up. You are going to run into cyber-coder bullies who will belittle your coding skills and tell you that unless you have a degree in computer science, you aren't a real programmer. As you read this book, I want to give you some advice to keep you on the straight and narrow when discouragement sets in: πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ Don't EVER compare yourself to other programmers. Compete against yourself. Someone will always be more skilled than you. πŸ’β€β™€οΈ You DO belong here in the world of programming. No matter what anyone says. You have unique talents as a programmer that other programmers do not. 🀯 If the learning is painful and your brain is broken, then you are doing it right. Pain brings growth. The last and most important thing I could ever tell you as you are learning how to code is this - Learn EVERY single day and do some hands-on coding EVERY single day. πŸ€“ We wanted to share this book with you for free to download and share as you please. πŸ“š Enjoy and be sure to ask any questions you may think of. 😊 --- If you enjoy the book, we'd love to give a PH exclusive $50 discount on our Apple Slope. 😻 171 hours of comprehensive video content covering the topics in this book and MUCH more. Use the coupon code APPLE_PHX1 for $50 off the Apple Slope. NOTE: The ePub file is 70 MB because of there are lots of images so downloading might take a while!
Drew Westcott

Highly recommend these folks.


Devslopes was one of the first resources that actually got me developing a functioning App away from the tutorial apps.



Caleb Stultz
Drew, this is amazing! We're so honored that we were a part of your developer journey. Thanks for sharing your review. 😁
Daeshawn Ballard
Devslopes enabled me to change careers this year, so please give this a download. Their learning materials are some of the best I’ve come across. This book will be a great resource to add to your library. πŸ‘πŸΎ
Caleb Stultz
@imdaeshawn That’s such a big accomplishment. You should be very proud and thanks for the kind words. 😁
Daeshawn Ballard
@gurucaleb Thank you, it's the least I can do. Yourself and the rest of the Devslopes team have opened many-a-doors for me, because of your teachings. Also, you're welcome :)
Caleb Stultz
@imdaeshawn That's great to hear. What's next on the roadmap for you? Launch an awesome app? Build a startup? 😁
Daeshawn Ballard
@gurucaleb Personally: finish an iOS project, get NEM blockchain certified and focus on Angular (thanks to Devslopes). Professionally: I want to continue to keep building websites for underserved minority and women owned businesses, but ultimately get into blockchain development as a NEM dev by late next year.
Caleb Stultz
@imdaeshawn That's awesome – with the new Catapult platform from NEM you'd be able to integrate blockchain tech into iOS apps! Those are some truly noble professional goals as well. Props!
Nate Davis
Wow, this is amazing. I only wish I had discovered it earlier!
Caleb Stultz
@nate_davis Glad you think so! 😁 Thanks, Nate! Do you have any app development experience already?
Nate Davis
@gurucaleb Yes! Hybrid self taught designer/developer have been focused on front end web dev for quite some time. So when I do get my hands dirty is is usually to create an awesome interface. Ive relied on learning mostly from viewing source code of existing projects. It has it's pros and cons. For the past year ive been trying to learn iOS dev, the problem is that ive always skipped over the basics and with swift you cannot completely break it into front end vs backend. I want to be fluent in coding interfaces with swift without storyboards because in the long run I think it's better. Ive used some frameworks like Tempura to help with this but my biggest regret / problem is not understanding the basics of swift to confidently write things from scratch. I'm already going through the basics section and I can say it is immediately more clear and motivating. Extremely excited to go through the in app purchase and firebase chat this weekend.
Caleb Stultz
@nate_davis Super cool! Examining other projects is a good way to learn for sure, but yes definitely has pros and cons. Understanding Swift and the iOS topics in this book will be really helpful in your growth as an iOS developer. Stoked to hear how your like the In-App purchase section and Firebase too. 😁 Those were fun to write.
Ben Patterson

You really need to check this book out whether you're a beginner or more advanced


Devslopes is the BEST place to learn online!



Caleb Stultz
Thanks, Ben! We're so stoked that you have enjoyed the book so far and our content too!
Slavo Popovich
I am follwIng and learning from Devslopes for more then 2 years. They are amazing group of ppl and this product is something that will help to everyone who wants to really dive to iOS
Caleb Stultz
@slavo7dev Thanks so much for your commitment and loyalty! We're so grateful to have awesome students like you. What's been your favorite project you've built? 😁
Slavo Popovich
@gurucaleb its hard to say, cause all projects are fun ...and when u start as a totaly beginner you are so impressed even with one line of code. those beginner projects you will remember always... but you move fast and start doing advance algorithms and projects .. and every time you solve problem or finish project you feel great and happy .... Well Done ... for iOS & Android you are kings :):):) I can proudly say that i learn programming from scratch with devslopes!!
Caleb Stultz
@slavo7dev So happy to hear it. The beginner projects are some of my favorite as well. They're so fun and you just want to show them off to friends and family, but by the end you're making things that would impress a future boss!
MichaΕ‚ Urbanowicz
Great! I'm going to start learning right away! πŸ™‚
Caleb Stultz
@michal_urbanowicz excellent! Enjoy and please let me know if you have any questions or A-has!
Caleb Stultz
@michal_urbanowicz excellent! Enjoy and please let me know if you have any questions or A-has!
MichaΕ‚ Urbanowicz
@gurucaleb Of course! I'm not totally new to programming in Swift so I should go quickly threw the first chapters πŸ™‚
Caleb Stultz
@michal_urbanowicz Nice, it’s always good to have a refresher too. You’ll have fun with the iOS development chapters. I think my favorite app (fun-wise) is the UIGestureRecognizer tangrams game. 😁 But the full-stack apps are great too and exponentially expand your potential!
totally noob question, Will this be helpful if I want to develop native mac apps? If not, do you have similar book for Mac apps, I'm ready to pay too.
Caleb Stultz
@sasi513 it will be a great framework to begin with, especially the Swift section. If you visit our website, check out our Apple Slope. We cover full stack macOS development in our Apple Slope.
Caleb Stultz
@sasi513 Do you have an app in mind you want to build or do you want to become a macOS Developer?
@gurucaleb Hey, I have few ideas for mac apps, one of which will be exclusively mac menu bar app. I've javascript experience but zero idea on mac native development. I know I can use electron but wanted to learn native development and looking for good resources to start with.
Caleb Stultz
@sasi513 Well that’s perfect then because our macOS content actually covers building macOS menu bar apps. You also learn how to build a full-stack Slack clone and a few other apps as well. While Electron is a huge help (learn that too!), native development offers a number of benefits and a larger community of support online.
Caleb Stultz
@sasi513 Great, and be sure to reach out with any questions you might have as you explore the book. 😎
I can vouch for devslopes, learnt a ton from their udemy courses, so much that I quit my job and became a full time iOS developer and now even teacher too! Mark has done a great job and the team is really a nice bunch! Congrats on top hunt of the day!
Caleb Stultz
@londonrom This is incredible! Life changing stuff! Thanks for telling us about your successes – we get so stoked to hear what our awesome students do. 😁
Josh Best
This is fantastic!
Caleb Stultz
@jaybaybay_18 Thanks bunches, Josh! Are you new to iOS development or a veteran? 😁
Edouard Barbier πŸ“²
Mark (Devslopes’ CEO) taught me how to build iOS apps 3 years ago when he was bootstrapping his company! I never looked back! Great team, great content. Haven’t checked the book yet but I’m sure it’s awesome! Keep up guys :)
Caleb Stultz
@barbieredouard that's amazing! So you've been with us since the start. 😁 Thanks for sticking with us as we grew and improved. We really look forward to hearing what you think of the book. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Juan Dorado
I have followed Devslopes since Mark started his courses on Udemy... since iOS 9 course... it was amazing, the best part is that he keep updating the course, he build new courses with the new technologies, Devslopes has grown each day, new members, new stuffs to learn, new technologies... the best part is the way that Devslopes teach each topic... There is not Hello Worlds... they use an create step by step real apps, real ideas, amazing ideas, you will not get bored following any of the courses on it. Try it now! you will have the best of most popular technologies in the world... Web, iOS, Android, Blockchain (there are few people that teach this).
Caleb Stultz
@juan_dorado Thanks for sticking with us from the start! Your support is why we're around today. 😁 What was your favorite iOS project you built?
Juan Dorado
@gurucaleb Yes!!! the LTA was the best investment!, and it have been several... for example, the first ones were the Pokedex and Poke Finder, both were interesting and amazing to work with, learn some about Functional Programming with React is amazing too. i like that... how you take approach of the new technologies and create new content.
Caleb Stultz
@juan_dorado The PokΓ©Dex and the PokΓ©Radar are definitely super fun apps. Thanks a lot. Hope you enjoy the book too!
Caleb Stultz
@juan_dorado Glad to hear it. 😁 Feel free to ping me here if you have any questions or by email.
Umeh Edmund Emeka
@juan_dorado @gurucaleb Hi, how do i get the book download?
Knowing Devslopes is one of the best things happened to me in my entire life! Live you guys and thanks for your awesome content
Caleb Stultz
@bamdad_nouri Thank you so much! Enjoy the book and be sure to share any projects you build. We love seeing our students work
Marko Bizjak

Coding is changing my life for the better and without devslopes i wouldnt be where i am right now. I highly recommend them!


Devslopes rocks! Everything i learned (i mean REALLY learned) was from them! Their teaching style is just the best



Caleb Stultz
Thank you so much, Marko! πŸ‘ What's is your favorite project you've built? 😁
Marc D Aupont

Devslopes is THE BEST learn to code platform out there and this book will not disappoint!!


I don't know of a better platform out there that teaches development as well as devslopes! The explanations are done in a very clear manner!


None for me

Caleb Stultz
Hey Marc! πŸ‘‹ We're so glad you've enjoyed Devslopes and know you'll love this book. 😁 Thanks for your support.

Without Devslopes, I would still be searching for ways to learn to code without having to take an outdated course in a university. They make learning fun and easy. I can't recommed them enough. You won't be sorry you tried them.


Devslopes is the easiest way to learn to code hands down.



Caleb Stultz
It's so awesome that you feel that way. Thanks for sharing with everyone here. 😁
Mark Price
This book took a super long time to make. I think it is pretty great :)
Caleb Stultz
@ispentak That's very true. A lot of blood, sweat, & code was put into this. 😹
Ale Mohamad ~ γ‚’γƒ¬γƒγƒ³γƒ‰γƒ­γƒ»γƒ’γƒγƒžγƒ‰

You have to try Devslopes. It's a one-way ticket to greatness!


I learned all my first knowledge on iOS dev with Devslopes. Now I'm learning so much with them, that I don't have time to learn it all.


None at all

Caleb Stultz
Thanks, Ale! We're super glad you've enjoyed our content. The nice thing about this book is that is allows you to learn whenever you have a free moment. 😁
Simon Smith
Devslopes changed my coding career completely, after trying numerous online courses I felt like I was getting no where fast.. I then found Devslopes and everything just clicked! Everything is explained in detail and in a way anyone can understand well worth a read !
Caleb Stultz
@simon_smith1985 Thank you, Simon! πŸ‘ We're glad the Devslopes way got you in the fast track.😁