Farhan Thawar

DevCycle Feature Opt-in - Let users try new features before they’re live to everyone

Host your own early access page just like Google, Netflix, Youtube and Okta without the heavy lifting. Give users access to try out new features from the same place in DevCycle you’re already managing your feature flags and A/B testing.

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Rashida D
This is really helpful! Good luck!
Manisha Shah
Good Luck!! Congratss on the Launch!!
Farhan Thawar
Building out early access programs in-house takes a lot of time and resources, which means very few teams tend to have their own way of letting users opt into new functionality. The team at DevCycle has created Feature Opt-in so engineering teams can now roll out self-serve beta programs quickly and safely. I’ve known the team at DevCycle for a number of years now and really respect what they’ve built. I think Feature Opt-In provides some really interesting possibilities for both engineering and product teams and I’m really excited to see what DevCycle does with it going forward.
Cobi Druxerman
@fnthawar Thanks so much for hunting this. Our team is really excited about the possibilities of Feature Opt-In. Beta program management seems like the best fit, but we also think it could be great for preference management, app customization or creating internal QA debug menus with feature overrides. We're really interested to see what teams build on top of it :)
Ayaan Ahmed
really cool!
Vijay Patidar
Good Luck
Namrata kadam
Vijay Patidar
Vic Vuci
Excited to make these types of beta/settings/labs options much easier for teams to put out there! I wanted to share a use case outside of what has been talked about already because I think its pretty fun: Engineers have far more flexibility in creating their own features to test out with real users now without interfering with the product team's schedule and timelines! They can work on their own fun things and enable it for Opt-In, allowing your users to jump into their experimental features if they want. Hey, for example, the dark mode mentioned in this launch was something I wasn't even aware was being worked on by an engineer -- But he did it! So why not put it out there as a feature for anyone to opt in to? So at DevCycle, we're using Opt-In as a way to enable early access and beta testing of upcoming features, as well as giving engineers more freedom to build out their own ideas and test them at a much lower risk! Thank you @nik_leblanc for the dark mode btw! ahaha
Naina Rajkonda
Good Luck!
Nice Job!
Chetan Kudnekar
Atul Mahajan
Good luck!
Good luck!!!
Binay Singh
Super helpful!! Congratulations on the launch!!
Cobi Druxerman
@binay_singh2 thanks so much!
Mike Costanzo
This is a nice feature to take the complexity out of the process. Keep up the good work!
Cobi Druxerman
@mikecostanzo Thank you, glad you like it :)
raymond harrolds
very cool app
jacob fairmon
logo reminds me of discord lol