Create amazing websites in minutes and export ready-to-use code. Responsive, retina-ready, animated. Easy to change and quick to build free website templates.
I use it for my clients adn I like the clean code and beautiful anaimations.
Pros:Easy to use
No dependence from online builders
Lifetime websites
Unlimited websites
Easy to integrate to CMS's if you are a backender
Cons:Basic coding knowledges
Used it to make my site's company and gonna use this new version to make a refresh of the site. As a web developer you find yourself too busy doing sites for others and forget about doing your own site, slides got us covered. Worth every penny! 🤘
Pros:Super fast static site development.
Cons:No cons, really.. latest update killed any cons.
This helps a lot for someone who only has basic knowledge about coding (yeah it's me -- after learning html/css/js for some time I still struggling to build a form haha). Gonna try this in my next coding class!
ps. the company I am interning is also on product hunt today! It will be great if you can also check @jobalaya out