Yasser Sultan

Morse Typing Trainer - Learn Morse code in the most fun & intuitive way

This chrome experiment is part of a larger project to support Morse code for accessible communication. To learn, open the app in Google Chrome Desktop and click on "Play a demo on desktop" to start the lesson. Tip: Use . and dash - on keyboard to type fast.

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Yasser Sultan
Hey PH community! Have always been interested in learning Morse code, recently got time and found this very intuitive and fun app for learning and practicing it. Was able to type and memorise each character in just two days. Hope you find it equally fun, intuitive and useful! Morse code is one of the simplest encoding mechanism of characters to dots and dashes (dits and dahs) for transmission. And is usually transmitted by on-off keying of electric current, radio waves, visible light, or sound waves. In fact blinking of eyes has also been used to transmit message in morse code! Jeremiah Denton, a US senator, when captured in North Vietnam during the Vietnam war, was forced by his captors to participate in a televised interview where unbeknownst to his captors, he blinked his eyes to transmit the message 'TORTURE', confirming for the first time to U.S. Naval Intelligence that American POWs were being tortured. Although the use of morse code in telecommunication is not prevalent now, but recently it has been employed as an assistive technology, helping people with a variety of disabilities to communicate. This application was developed by Tania Finlayson and Use All Five along with Google Creative Lab to help people learn Morse. Tania was born with Cerebral Palsy, and can't talk vocally. She now uses Morse to communicate with her loved ones and lead a better life. Message from her to all hackers - “I’m very excited that Gboard now has a Morse keyboard that allows for switch-access, with various settings to accommodate more people’s unique needs. I’m even more excited about what people will build. From small games and hardware hacks to fully fledged communication apps and teaching tools. Whatever you build we’d love for you to submit it here. You never know — even small hacks you come up with could open the world for newcomers to Morse code.”
Kim Salmi
This one is important. Thank you for building it 👏
Aika San Diego
This is great!! And I'm having a blast learning morse code with it!