Quick start to GDPR Compliance 5 simple and straightforward steps for businesses to become GDPR Ready in 48 hours. We’ve packed all the experience and expertise from more than 50 Data Privacy Officers into a slick and secure software package.
I'm Sergey, cofounder of Defendocs product - SaaS for fast GDPR compliance.
The main thing the service is useful for small and medium-sized businesses - providing 5 basic documents for GDPR and installing a cookie-bot on the site within 48 hours after passing the assessment form
Over the course of a year, we've assembled all the experience and knowledge of more than 50 data privacy experts into a simple and secure software package. Providing carefully designed templates and specific documents, including records, reports, observations and verbal responses needed to verify compliance.
How it works:
Determine what personal data you have and where it is located.
Establish how personal data is used and accessed
Install security controls to prevent, detect and respond to data vulnerabilities and leaks.
Keep necessary documentation and manage data requests and breach notifications.
Download all documents and completed templates in convenient PDF or Excel formats.
We"re excited to share wity you today and would love to get your feedback. We'll be ready all day answering questions. so feel free to comment here or write me directly...