Hello 👋
As James Clear puts it nicely,
"Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior. We tend to believe our habits are a product of our motivation, talent, and effort. Certainly, these qualities matter. But the surprising thing is, especially over a long time period, your personal characteristics tend to get overpowered by your environment."
We all have big goals that we want to achieve. But this is not easy. The amount of friction we have to endure is significant, ranging from games to social media apps, IM platforms, and entertainment and infotainment websites.
It's a battle of Mr. You, against hundreds of well-paid, expert attention engineers who study the deep granularity of human psychology to ensure that you cannot resist these urges and fall for the temptations of these addictive platforms and apps.
How do you win this battle? Simple. By not fighting. This is where Deep Focus comes in.
Deep Focus allows you to create focus profiles that dictate what applications and websites you may use during a focus session. Once started, the app will block all pathways to any application and website that is not allowed. Escaping *is* impossible.
The market is filled with productivity and Pomodoro timer apps. Many of them are great. However, most don't offer a real form of restrictiveness. You don't feel committed to anything, and escaping is just as easy as starting.
Deep Focus is different. You want focus? You get focus.
As Dr. Cal Newport puts it in his famous book, Deep Work, work of real value does not come from constant interruptions, but instead from long, continuous chunks of time in which the mind reaches its limits.
Deep Focus ensures you get plenty of these.
Once you start a focus session, you are trapped in your machine for as long as the session is active. The app blocks all possible escape ways, allowing you to only access the applications and websites you have chosen beforehand.
Suddenly, all these temptations go away because they are not accessible anymore, and work does not look as boring and heavy as it used to. Instead, it's just a few minutes of deep concentration that produces value for humanity.