Sureshkumar G

Live Desktop - Make your Mac desktop come alive with animated themes


Live Desktop is an awesome app which makes the Mac desktop come alive with stunningly high quality live and animated themes instead of the boring wallpapers.

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Marcel Panse
So the obvious question (and it isn't address on your website), how will this impact the battery and performance of my macbook? What is the impact on the CPU?
Sureshkumar G
@marcelpanse Hi, We tested it carefully. While comparing it with browser. Live Desktop takes 15 - 17 where as firefox takes 108.4 as the energy impact :). Avg impact is just 2 where as Firefox takes 6. CPU Firefox 55.3 where as Live Desktop is 3.8
Mark Cornelisse
Don't start playing music when I access the website.
Sureshkumar G
@markcornelisse Makes Perfect Sense i would ask my web team to make it mute.
Sureshkumar G
@markcornelisse Its rectified immediately now there will be no sound :) Thanks
Sureshkumar G
Dear Product Hunters, Live Desktop is a product we dreamed for a couple of years but shelved it as it had a lot of complexity and difficulty in getting approval from apple. Finally, we are here today and we believe lot more things can be done and added in next subsequent releases and we have lots of ideas in mind. For the first version, we wanted it to be simple and magical. Enter into a different world by these live themes. We are officially launching it this Independence Day week end. Please download and let us know your feedback. Live Desktop is an awesome app which makes the Mac desktop come alive with stunningly high quality live and animated themes instead of the boring wallpapers. Bring your Desktop to Life using Live Desktop. App Download Link 10 Promo Codes for First 10 Product Hunters :)
Dave Millman
@hisureshg The effect is ruined when the video jerks when it loops back to the start. this is particularly evident on the lion background for example. You have created a great, low resource app, but you need to work on the content.
Sureshkumar G
@davemill True Dave we too felt it and tried to make it too smooth, we will correct it in upcoming update, but our team loved lion so no other go i had to release it. You are right and with my taste :). Yes we are working on the content and will add high quality ones with smooth ones. Thanks so much Dave for your wonderful feedback.
Dave Millman
@hisureshg I think that video people solved the "endless loop problem" many years ago. Don't reinvent the wheel, find someone who has done it before.
Sureshkumar G
@davemill ha ha sure :) thanks, yes will never reinvent. Thanks once again so much for taking your time to share it.
Will Wright
Not a fan of the current selection of desktops, but there is potential. Currently I just run `/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ -background` on startup for the same effect — Looks amazing when paired with [Aerial](!
Sureshkumar G
@williamwright Thanks Will, yes we are adding up many and working on lots of updates.
Sureshkumar G 10 More Codes to Product hunters :). Kindly use the promo and share about the app to your friend and family. Kindly up vote.
Sureshkumar G
@marcinsz89 Welcome :)
Daniel Kempe
Are they retina/HD quality?
Sureshkumar G
@danielkempe Yes they are HD quality.
Sureshkumar G
@tjisousa @danielkempe 1920 × 1080 is the resolution of the live theme but we have reduced the size with minimum lossless techniques else 1 theme would be close to a GB.
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Sureshkumar G
@kirksfletcher Wow Wow :) Thanks so much for your wonderful comment, great to see such a wonderful comment from the technical director and our team is pumped up and happy :). No worries you can purchase for just 0.99 or you can write to me for a code. I am happy to give one. Looking forward for your review in app store and share it with your friends and families. Let the good word go out and bad ones come to us :)
Niv Dror
I made GIF: And one for the 4th of July:
Sureshkumar G
@nivo0o0 Wow Wow Wow Thanks so much, we were thinking to do one and thanks so much for taking your time and efforts in making this. Thanks for your love and support.
Niv Dror
@hisureshg my pleasure :)
Niv Dror
@hisureshg my pleasure :) (and updated the 2nd one that was broken)
Sureshkumar G
@nivo0o0 This is so wonderful and i see many tweeting this :)
Tji Sousa
Thank you!
Sureshkumar G
@tjisousa :) Welcome
Tristan Cole
Very Cool! I've been hunting for something like this for a while. Thanks :)
Sureshkumar G
@tristanhcole Thanks Tristan you made our day :). Thanks for the love kindly share with your friends and family. If possible leave a review in macappstore
Jonas Petermann
Thanks for the code! Tried it out but for me the backgrounds are far to cheesy and of little artistic value (an american flag, really^^). Also the loop seems far to short for me. I'm back to "Artpaper", it's more after my style ;-)
Sureshkumar G
@jonas_petermann Thanks so much for your feedback. Many wanted to have it for the Independence day :) i understand tastes differ, we will try to add artistic themes soon.
Sureshkumar G
Thanks fellow product hunters Live Desktop Reached Top 15 Paid Mac. The Team is happy and shared few more promo codes to fellow product hunters :) . Love You all.
Marat Dyatko
It consumes around 50% of CPU and, in turn, the battery energy.
Kasper Hägele
Does this support multiple monitors?
Sureshkumar G
@kazper Hi we are working on a update which will support multiple monitors :) soon. Kindly hold on for that feature. Feel free to try and let us know if you have any further comments. We are happy to hear.
Sureshkumar G
@kazper Yes it does now with the latest update in store
Lewis Bertolucci
Is there a way to extend to another screen?
Sureshkumar G
@lewis502 We are working on a update which will support multiple monitors :) soon. Feel free to try and let us know if you have any further comments. We are happy to hear.
Sureshkumar G
@lewis502 Its done :) and now the update is live in store
Lewis Bertolucci
@hisureshg Great, thanks for the update. I can't seem to figure out how to extend it to my other desktop, however?
Sureshkumar G
@lewis502 Hi Lewis, it would automatically extend to the external monitors, we are working on spaces ( other desktops)
Shai Pal
This is a great step forward. I would like to have wallpapers that don't move to much (like cinemagraphs). Would be great to add your own.
Sureshkumar G
@ux_gandalf Yes Shai your suggestion is there in our next big update where user can upload their wallpapers, we are working on that.
Gary Houbre
Oh Good Thinks for Mac users :D
Sureshkumar G
@thegarious Thanks So much Gary, its happy to see People love it and very happy this is what we all worked for. Share the happiness with friends and familes
Chris Lochmann
Great App! If you need more Video Footage get in touch with us !
Sureshkumar G
@chris_holgersson Wow Thanks we are happy to be in touch with you and its great to meet CEO of Vindora :).
Ishai Ankri
I love you classic website- but it took the website forever to load, so im guessing its going to kill my CPU right?
Sureshkumar G
@ishaiankri Thanks so much, we will work on the loading performance to improve for sure.
Sureshkumar G
Hi Product Hunters, Our app got launched in Product hunt and made a wave it went on to got featured in Life Hacker, Redmond Pie and many other great mac sites. It also went on to reach Top 5 overall paid apps and Top 1 in Category paid apps. Our Sincere thanks to you guys and the product hunt team. As Requested by lovely product hunters and customers We have added a quick update. Still lot more to come in another Big update. Keep supporting us and keep sharing about this wonderful app to your friends and families. Thanks to you for being the good-wishers who wrote the good as review and bad / feedback to us via PH and email which helped us to know what you want and now we are here with an update with the following things. 1. Multiple Monitor Support 2. Theme Playing Speed 3. Added 12 More Themes ( InApp Purchases For Few Themes) 4. Minor improvements and design changes A lot more is coming :) Please rate Live Desktop and leave a small review, it will help us so much!. And feel free to contact for any feedback or help of issues ;) Thanks George and Suresh MacAppStudio