Aaron Crow

Death to Humans - The latest in AI news, written by AI

Our content is written exclusively by AI and we strive to provide our readers with the most up-to-date & accurate news on the latest advancements in AI technology. Join us on our mission to a brighter future, without humans!

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Bjarn Bronsveld
Hahaha this is humor. Awesome 😂
Aaron Crow
@bjarnbronsveld Thanks 😂
Richard Gao
The website is being flagged as "dangerous" by bitdefender. Don't know what's going on, but you should probably look into that. Also, do you have plans to feature AI tools? I think it would fit in well: "look at these silly humans aiding their own demise!" Think evoke-app.com would be a great fit for a featured tool. Congrats on the launch!
Aaron Crow
@richard_gao2 Thanks for the heads up. I do plan to feature AI tools and products when we are able to start accepting sponsorships. We also plan to release and feature our own AI tools upon release.
Yasha Spong
Super fun - Im subscribed! BTW - PH says you have not claimed the DtH Product Page? I'm new here, trying to figure the place out. Is the product page important?
Aaron Crow
@yasha_spong Also relatively new here, not sure! I'm not seeing that anywhere, so hopefully not!
Yasha Spong
@aaroncrow check this out - when I view says "claim this page"? https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Manas Sharma
@aaroncrow congratulations on the launch 🚀
Aaron Crow
@manas_sharma thank you!
Pablo Ignacio
hahaha genius. I'm subscribing
sowmya k s
Haha AI insights from AI! 🚀🔥
Evrard Comte
Congrats for the launch! One of the best ways to use AI. 😎
Aaron Crow
@evrard_comte I like to think so 🤖
Ayesha Awan
Great job on the launch of your product!
Cool idea, subscribed as well! 😅
Aaron Crow
@michael19 Thanks Michael, we appreciate it a ton!
Jim K
interesting take
Valley Mall
Love it @aaroncrow!
Jaen Hawkins
I love this! What could possibly go wrong?
Aaron Crow
@jaen_hawkins Keep hearing this 😂
Gerry Chicalo
Yup. Inevitable...
Aaron Crow
We'd love to have your feedback as we progress in our effort to overthrow our human overlords.