Seth Louey

Ace the Game Growth Hacking Bundle — 100 growth hacks to help you scale


Most growth hacking books are full of fluff, stories, and outdated.

Even the best ones are hard to implement.

Ace The Game bucks the trend: The book isn’t the writers thoughts based on their own experiences, this is a curation of methods from some of the best internet marketers and growth hackers, in areas like traffic & lead gen, CRO, and SEO.

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Andreas Duess
god, I hate breathless language like this. Statements like "Turn social media into endless customers" make me throw up in my mouth a little because surely only the extremely gullible will believe generalist nonsense like that in this day and age. Here's what it takes to build a sustainable business: find a way to make people's life better. From there on in, everything is hard work. Building relationships is hard work. Building culture is hard work. Building customers and loyalty is hard work. Getting up at four in the morning worrying about the business is hard work and working until midnight for weeks on end is hard work. As the saying goes, it takes ten years to be an overnight success. Shortcuts don't exist. Do it properly, or don't do it at all. The idea of growth hacking is similar to people flogging dieting pills - the search for a miracle that cuts out the..... hard work. If you want to lose weight, eat less and exercise more. If you want to build a business, that isn't built on selling snake oil to the gullible, work hard and build relationships. Don't fall for the "growth hacking" BS.
Jp Valery
@andreasduess happy to see I’m not the only one being circumspect by this
Josh Benson
@andreasduess I can understand where you're coming from but if you have been following Vin like I have for years, you would know that Vin gives all the shits.
Vincent Dignan
@andreasduess I get a bit carried away writing, I get it. In the intro to the book I talk about "this book isn't about helping you create a great product" (aside from helping you get traffic to help validate the idea, etc) I'd rather be a little overexcited then super-pessimistic. The growth hacks have helped just about every major startup grow massive without traditional adspend. Small companies can do amazing things using these hacks. I'd rather err on the side of showing the possibility as i you're an early stage entrepreneur bad news is virtually everywhere else. It took me from being on social welfare in the UK to having multiple six-figure businesses and moving to the United States, and has changed the lives of so many people I know, but yes, right there with you, it is a TONNE of hard work and long days, even allowing for all of the above hacks to work.
Andreas Duess
@vincentdignan Thanks for the reply, really appreciate it. For me, the language you're using devalues whatever real wisdom you may have to offer - and by the testimonial of your fans there seems a fair bit of it. But language, as you certainly know, has power. Words matter. And the words you're using, to me, scream "snake oil" rather than "trusted source". Alarm bells start ringing. In addition, the rags to riches story, while it might well be true, again is a common tool of the salesman. "Do this, buy my program, and you too can lift yourself from this bottomless pit of despair". Now the BS meter hits red. So, that's my impression. I may very well be 100% wrong. Your schtick may well be working for 99% of people and I may well be the odd one out. But the one thing I know, whenever I ignored the bells ringing, things went to crap sooner or later. So now I pay attention to them. Peace and out and much success.
Laurent Malka
@andreasduess regardless the wording, there is a difference between growth hacking and providing a valuable service. Growth hacking is a way to drive traffic, conversions through viral effects referrals and a bit of connecting the dots together. You can (try) apply growth hacking tactics to shitty or valuable products. Eventually, if the product is not good, the “hack” will not work.
Vincent Dignan
Hey PH! Vin Clancy here. Ace The Game is my attempt at creating the definitive Growth Hacking bundle. Honestly? Growth hacking books are ten a penny these days, as everyone tries to grab some emails with a hastily-pulled together dump of information anyone could find on Google. This is a collection of growth hacks that get FAST results, from those who are doing this day in day out for their own companies and clients. So, here’s what you’re gonna get in the “Ace The Game” top 100 growth hacks in the world right now eBook & video course: - EVERY strategy you'll need to : - Get a massive competitive advantage in getting leads - Form a strategy for unlimited traffic generation - Turn social media into endless customers - Become a kickass copywriting, and - Increase your conversion rate. All of the above will give you brand new tools to put money in your bank account. You’ll Also Receive The Marketer’s Toolbelt as a free bonus, which includes: > 79 Headline Formulas to increase your clicks and conversions - BEST PART: These will make creating content so easy it'll feel like you're cheating! 60 free resources to build your startup - BEST PART: You could double or triple your productivity and effectiveness once these easy-to-implement tools and resources are implemented. 2,190 guest blogging opportunities - BEST PART: You'll get traffic and customers flowing to your site, as well as SEO backlinks, without having to search for places you can blog. 150 approved Fiverr vendors BEST PART: You'll be outsourcing major tasks, freeing you up to make more money, or spend more time doing what you like (Netflix anyone?) 5,000 podcast opportunities BEST PART: Podcasts have many of the same results of public speaking without you ever having to leave your house/travel/get jetlagged! My Deluxe package of email subject lines to massively increase your open rate BEST PART: These subject lines have been used to make over $500,000 and you can steal them and claim them as your own - I don't mind! The 50 most engaged posts in the history of Traffic And Copy, my Facebook Group BEST PART: You can copy the ideas behind these posts for your Facebook group, email list, or blog posts, and get super-high engagement and clicks as a result. The ultimate guide to building a business working with influencers From a boss CEO who’s built multiple seven-figure businesses using these same methods! PLUS FINAL BONUS! By grabbing the "Ace The Game" Growth Hacking Bundle, you'll also get lifetime membership in the "Ace The Game" Private Facebook Group! This is where you'll be able to network privately with other entrepreneurs, and ask me and my team any questions on implementing the hacks in the book. Product Hunters get a time limited discount :) See you on the next page! P.S. I’ll answer all comments you write below (About to go to bed as it’s 1am in L.A. right now but when I wake up I will reply SO HARD)
Louise Croft
Interesting. Can you give some examples of who is in the book?
Vincent Dignan
@paupertoprinces Here's a copy pasta dump of just a few of the hacks and authors: Get tonnes of leads and registrations for your webinars with this simple Eventbrite hack. (Quintin Ford) ✅ How to create $26.5m in revenue using Facebook ads - By Depesh Mandalia ✅ How to make $20k in 15 days from cold email - Aaron Krall ✅ My favorite B2B Lead Generation Tactic with FindThatLead + BuiltWith - Kieran Goodacre ✅ Andrew Medal - How to hack a Hollywood event ✅ Dylan Hey - Target people who use a certain technology ✅ Neil Cocker - How to capture the attention of 50,000 companies - and feel like you’re only taking to them (TAC) ✅ Marcus Svensson - Turn your silent website visitors into customers on autopilot using this insane method ✅ Jon Buchan - The Cold Pitch 2 Touch Combo ✅ Christien Louviere - How we increased our cold email response rate by 900% ✅ Bobby Krieger - How I got my first 10 paid clients by leveraging Yelp comments ✅ Kerrie Rycroft - How to turn $5 into 100 email signups in a day ✅ How to build a business using affiliate traffic by Adrian Nutiu ✅ How Current Media achieved 600,000 Referrals + $36,000,000 Initial Coin Offering - By Manuel Frigerio ✅ (The secret sauce to generating traffic to a token sale/ICO) How to Go From 0–10,000 DAILY Website Visitors from Pinterest in Under 6 Months (Connor McCreesh) ✅📺 How to create killer blog posts that drive insane traffic - By Jingcong Zhao ✅ A Costly Mistake You’re All Making With Your Facebook Pixel (and how to avoid it) - Joseph Lazukin
Peter Skuta

In order to become a six figure earner you must do all the hacks that suits to your startup,company it is in this book, in order to become and create a sustainable growth force and earn consistent money


Tons of plays and growth hacks that you must follow and do


you must do it :)

Sydney Liu
Ran into Vincent at a party recently and after just a few minutes of conversation, found myself taking some notes down for growth strategies others in similar spaces to Commaful had used. He understands a wide range of startup industries and isn't shy about dishing out a ton of advice. I'm sure this book won't be any different.
Vincent Dignan
@sydney_liu_sl Thanks man! Let's hang out again soon!
Kartik Ahuja
Vin is one of the Best Growth Hacker on Planet, I got to know about him from a Legendary Facebook Closed Group "Traffic And Copy." I have learned many things from Vin (strategies, growth hacks, many secret software, what elements are essential and what seem to be essential and are not) I implemented some of his strategies on my as well as client's businesses. All of them seem to work v well regardless of where you live, or how different your economy is. P.S. - I never thought someone would share all these strategies, these strategies aren't shared by gurus as well. P.P.S. -If you haven't grabbed "Ace, The Game Growth Hacking Bungle" now is the time, to do so :)
Cameron James

It's huge, and it gives you lots of tools and strategies you can use to market your brand at half the price.


Huge amounts of tactics in here that you can start implementing straight away!


Can cause information overload because there is so much! I reckon pick a few hacks -> implement -> then repeat is the best way forward

Kyle Benoit

This Bible of Growth is the cats meow, it gives growth hackers a run for their money. Vin Clancy goes through SEO, Copywriting, Landing Pages, User Experience, Community Building, and so much! And the best is he has learned the hard way by actually doing these hacks and growing his company with them. You can't miss this offer.


This is the Bible of Growth! Vin took the painstaking time to make sure all aspects of your startup or marketing needs are covered!


It will take you time, NOT money to make these growth hacks work.

Danilo de Rosa
That kind of top-growthhack-guide that after helping you directly to boost the sales of your clients in the next months/years, will generate the typical question "where the f*** did you find this?". #vinknows
Vincent Dignan
@danderoz Haha thanks man. Ruined eyesight, no girlfriend, but I can curate growth hacks like nobodies business!
Michael Raven

Vin Clancy has been leading the wave of internet growth marketers for a few years now, but unlike many other players in the game, Vin's tips and tricks are actually highly useful and relevant to modern day internet marketing.


Vin Clancy's growth tips are always worth checking out




If you're just getting started in growth then this content is great for you. You will learn key insights and from there move on to more complicated stuff that give you more of a full stack approach across marketing channels and technologies to give you complete marketing solutions.


Vin Clancy has a track record of delivering real growth as well as helping out people with really useful knowledge that makes a difference



Greg 'X' Willis
@vincentdignan Purchased the product to try it out, and received no email.
Vincent Dignan
@greg_x_willis Hey! check again now. Full transparency: Emails can't be automated out unless the baller pays by Stripe with card. If someone can strongarm other payment vendors to let us do more, that would be a sick product. Until then, we have to manually check every couple of hours and our american team was asleep (I'm here in my boxers answering this as just got up here in L.A.) Good morning!!
Greg 'X' Willis
@vincentdignan I understand, but no email. I used my gmail account, unless your sending it to the email on the PayPal payment info?
Vincent Dignan
@greg_x_willis yeh was sent to that Paypal email. DM me your email otherwise
Michael Kawula

I've known Vin for over 2 years now and have never (truly never) been disappointed with anything he puts out. It's truly always NO BS honest advice on what's working and how to achieve growth the fastest. Love how he always shares multiple strategies and innovative ones that aren't regurgitated crap.

Congrats Vin ~


Have never been disappointed with any content Vin puts out. It's always straight talking NO BS advice to move your business forward!


nope nada zilch

Excellent content! I have started taking action on the processes mapped out in this book. It pushes you to think WAY bigger on how to get infront If more people online and offline 👍👏🤘🎯😁
Seth Louey

Ace the Game is taking the internet by storm, very tactical growth hacks compiled from some of the best in the game.


So many growth hacks to get you growing your business!


You have to be willing to make money!

Peter Skuta
Do what i said in the review and you will be very very glad that you followed what i said. Best growth hack book ever. Very detailed.
Vincent Dignan
@peterskuta Thanks man! Appreciated!
Dieter Vanden Heede
One of the best practical books i've read this year. Thanks!
Vincent Dignan
@askdieter Thanks so much man! It was a tonne of work but love hearing these stores!
Scott Silverstone
Already seeing results, just a couple weeks after diving into Ace The Game. If you want to find more customers, automate your business, or just make more money - then buy this. Vin is incredible!
Vincent Dignan
@scottsilverstone You deserve a damn knighthood for this comment! Seriously though, thanks a lot!!
Stefano Pisoni
Go Vin!!! Great job, as always!
Ian Moncrieff MacMillan

Read the intro. Be clear on where you need to improve most (and what will have the biggest impact on your growth) before you you dive in. But don't dilly-dally. Dive in and do.


Comprehensive collection of what's working now...with detailed (and I mean detailed) step by step guides to implement this.


It's comprehensive and detailed - so a lot to get through to pick what you'll start doing.