
Dead Domains - Curated list of ideas behind unused domains


Dead Domains is a place where you can discover and add your own domains that were once bought for the next *cool* idea and still wait for their time to become a real project. Let's help them come to life to make internet a better place.

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Hello Product Hunt! My name is Dima. Big chances you’ve never seen me before. On August 16 I asked @marckohlbrugge (https://twitter.com/marckohlbrug...) about top five domains he managed to buy (and never used). A few people replied to this tweet saying that they also have domain names for next *cool* ideas that never been released since then. I have never shipped anything in my life. Moreover, the only thing that I knew was a JS syntax and a basic understanding of how to start a server using Node.js. But I believed in myself and took a challenge to build a website where people could add their unused domain names. There they will either sell a domain to a maker that wants to make something out of it or get a motivation to build a project by seeing how many people actually want it to be shipped. 8 hours and 142 stackoverflow.com questions later I launched an MVP and tweeted about it. In a few days I had 4000 unique visitors, 250 suggested domains and around 100 tweets about my project. It was a great success for a person who actually started this project as a challenge to learn how to code. Today, one month later, I am happy to show you a new version of Dead Domains, now with Twitter Auth, Upvotes, updated interface and a thousand lines of code that I wrote during past month. I don’t like cybersquatters. All suggested domains are being manually reviewed (I even built a Telegram bot to notify me when a new entry is submitted) so a domain which doesn’t explain itself or has no idea behind will never be accepted. What a training camp that was! Stay tuned, I am now absolutely in love with launching projects! Happy to have a conversation about my project and my story with all of you Dima
@marckohlbrugge @kevinbryantlou I still can't understand why I started only one month ago. Starting first real project is a real life-changing experience.
Mac Connolly
@marckohlbrugge @dimaishere Hi there - it seems like you've created a domain marketplace and branded it as a story website. While the stories would be interesting, many domains either have no description or just list "for sale" as their description.
@macconnollyco agree, I planned to keep around 200-230 domains in the list, so that there was enough variety and each domain had attention. Now with more domains added I will remove all with no description or feel "for sale". Thank you for the feedback!
@dimaishere Love the idea and project! Many of the domains I browsed through became a lot more interesting/relevant to me given the context, so I appreciated having those there. Great that you're already planning on doing something about the ones without description, since not all of the domain names are self explanatory. Are you planning on adding ways further categorize the domains somehow? (like tech, design, products etc)
@macconnollyco @dimaishere why would domains previously/currently for sale be a bad thing?

I followed this idea almost from the beginning I saw how the project progressed from a simple site with almost no functionality to a full-fledged website. Very good idea of ​​the author. Good luck with other projects.


I like the main idea of ​​the site that you can tell your long-awaited idea to tell others and suggest that someone else would develop it.


Perhaps you need to add the ability to comment on your ideas about domains

Justin Mitchell
I have so many of these and I’d love to find good owners. Great idea
I would love it if there was a sell option for the domains. Is this possible to add? I have domains for some ideas I am no longer interested in but others might be?
@petecodes yeah there is no option to sell domains directly through dead.domains, but the initial idea was to provide owner's Twitter page so that potential buyers could contact him.
@dimaishere ok, fair enough. I think it would be good to be able to sign in from mobile as it's desktop only at the moment?
@petecodes sure, it's an MVP alpha kind of excuse lol. I planned to launch today and failed with time-management a bit so that was something I had to leave for this version.
Dre Durr💡
Great Design Love the concept Dope🚬
Ramil Urazmanov

It's an interesting project, wish you good luck!


- It's simple,

- Understandable

- Easy to use

- I love these PornHub colors :D


- I don't like that there is only Twitter authorization

- I can't see the whole list of domains (maybe I didn't find it?)

Rodrigo Hillion
awesome idea!
@rohillion thanks! what about execution? :)
Merrill Reisemberg
Wow man that's really awesome (and relevant)! Instantly bookmarked ✅ I have 2 little suggestions : - For sellers, maybe giving them an option to show their selling price publicly if they want to - At some point, I would definitely see dead.domains to be pair somehow with others projects like Borderline or Transferlot (= marketplaces to buy and sell side projects); they seem to be really related and in my opinion together they would give birth to a really great marketplace around side projects (or even community that would help to find people who would like to get involve in others' side projects' ideas) ...and nice design by the way 👍🏼
@merrillefdy Thank you! 1. Yes, it seems like one of the most obvious additions to the project, I just decided to launch without this feature to get a validation that people actually like the overall idea. 2. This one is much more complicated, there are many "pairing" options, some people advice me to connect with domain resellers and make profit by having a percent off sold domains. But yes, creating a marketplace around side projects may have a big impact on the makers community, so why not to try?

This sure is a fun project and I found quite a lot of interesting ideas behind stagnant projects. Now that there's some validation for it, you should probably add more features to it @fztsh :)

Loved it overall nonetheless 🙌


It's weirdly addictive.


Could do with commenting and more interaction with the owner.

Stepan Velichko
Nice idea (have about 10 «dead domain») and sick brutal design!
Rob Labs

The idea is very helpful, such a cute place where you can sell or buy domains that have been created for a specific idea.


It is a simple & very helpful project


Need to add some more log in methods

l love the design. It's so simple!
Nathan Allsopp
This is an awesome idea - having hunted for a specific domain recently and finding it behind a failed business idea, this could've potentially been a great help. Best of luck!
Mehdi B
Great idea! I like the message on the website! "Stop paying money for domain that you once bought for the next *cool* idea. We both know you are not going to build it in near future. Share it and either find a person who will buy it from you or find motivation to finally make your project. Let's make internet a better place. Stay creative." :D
Samar Mustafa
Glad you have launched @dimaishere 🙌. I've few 'dead' domains that will go straight to your service 😃.
Alexander Kehaya
I just found this and can not wait to use it. need to get rid of some domains!