Chris Messina

Day One 2.0 - Ground-up rewrite of the best journal for Mac and iPhone

Top Hunter

Day One 2.0 is an easy way to keep a journal, and a powerful way to organize thoughts, ideas, moments, quotes, links, notes, and anything else with text and photos.

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Ryan J A Murphy
I don't see anything on it here, but I really hope they've opened up an API a little bit. I currently use a couple of hack-y solutions to log events from the tools and services I use into Day One (the result, for example, is that I have a log of the day's added tasks, completed tasks, posted photos, social media posts, sleep, steps, workouts, etc.) But the hack-y solution isn't nice to maintain... All I want is a Day One - Zapier/IFTTT connection. ;D Still, looks pretty. Good work, Day One makers.
Thibault Lemaitre
@ryanjamurphy Yes! Some of this is actually mentioned in the FAQ: planning on supporting IFTTT! :)
Paul Mayne
@ryanjamurphy We've been working on our IFTTT Channel the past couple weeks. Looking to launch it soon.
Zach Holman
Really dig Day One, although it's kind of a bummer seeing iCloud/Dropbox sync options pulled out. I generally trust Day One, but having my journal entries laying on a small company's servers is pretty sketch. That said, looking forward to whenever they ship private-key encryption this year — — since that'll go a long, long way to easing these concerns.
@holman Hm -- what has the Dropbox backup been replaced by? Can you still export to PDF and get that out of the app?
tom meagher
@holman No idea for sure, but Day One probably uses AWS or something similar. I doubt their method for storing it is sketch.
Paul Mayne
@benburns @holman Yes, we have improved PDF Export, plain text / Markdown export and are working on JSON and HTML export flavors.
Zach Holman
@thomasmeagher They do use AWS, but I'm more worried about their employees getting popped, or making a mistake, or who knows. My complaints are less about the technology and more about the wisdom of sharing your private thoughts with *any* third party.
Daylen Sawchuk
@holman @thomasmeagher I totally agree. Remember what happened with Wink (
Ben Tossell
@paulmayne - what are some of the most important things you have learnt over the past 5 years on Day One? What are some of your assumptions from the beginning that you have found are no longer correct? I'd love to keep up a journal of some sort but just feel like it's too much effort and wouldn't know where to even start with something like that. What would you sugest for a first timer looking to get into it?
Paul Mayne
@bentossell Most important things? Related to the product I would say that slow and steady is a legitimate path to success. We started very small and have grown this idea of a simple journal into something substantial. I no longer assume something is easy or can be done quickly. Every detail and feature takes time to dial in and get just right. Start casual with your journaling. Treat it like Twitter used to be answering the question: What's happening? or What are you doing? "Eating Lunch" is the beginning of something.
Josh Enderle
I still haven't seen a legitimate response/answer regarding pulling iCloud and Dropbox sync. This is quite worrisome. So here are some of the responses from Day One - "iCloud is terrible to support" "In our experience, iCloud = Data loss", "iCloud has always been terrible"
Arlo Gilbert
When will this actually be available? Love Day one but can't seem to find this new version on the app store.
Paul Mayne
@arlogilbert Here are the direct links to the Apps: iOS App Store Link: Mac App Store Link:
Hieu Pham
Looks great! But why is it a separate version? Can I upgrade it from my current version 1 (for free)?
Paul Mayne
@mrhieu We launched version 1.0 over 4 years ago for .99, then made over 40 major updates to that app. Since the App Store does not support "Upgrades" we were forced to create a new app to allow users to re-purchase. The exposure we receive on the App Stores allows us to price the app as low as it currently is. I however feel that the app is worth far more than the prices we are selling it at. If you do not want to pay for the update you can continue to use Day One Classic. We are an 11 person team and running the company as a profitable business to support this product for as long as possible. It's a lifetime-use app and I feel that we can continue to add value for decades to come.
Thibault Lemaitre
Been a DayOne user since one (on the Mac) and I couldn't be happier about this! Really looking forward to the next updates too, as their roadmap looks very exciting:
Hunter Gray
@itibz Why update? I'm not sure I see the need/value to update and spend $19.99 for the Mac App and another $4.99 for the iOS app. What's wrong with the current "Classic" version?
Thibault Lemaitre
@huntergray That's for customers to decide, and besides sync or compatibility with future versions of OS X / iOS, nothing stops you from using the current version. I'm excited to see upcoming stuff mentioned in the roadmap like “Audio Recording” and the return of Publish too!
tom meagher
I snagged Day One when it was a free app (July 2014). 660 entires later, I would gladly pay the Day One team back!!!
Paul Mayne
@thomasmeagher Thank you Tom. Love to hear stories like this.
Baard O. Hansen
Finally it's possible to add more pics. I think this must be one of the most requested features since its launch.
Paul Mayne
@ibaard Oh it was, followed by Android app. Hopefully this shows we DO follow through on our roadmap.
Sorry not jumping on the bandwagon. The list of new features looks great. However, I love the "classic" design. It's too bad they didn't just extend all these features into the 2.0 - panels, multiple images per post, etc. Also, don't like the tighter design approach to everything especially in the calendar. Your classic design had more negative space. Padding FTW! Your new blue is also a bit annoying. The old blue was much more pleasant. Sorry for the negative critique but when something is so good like the original day one I am absolutely against changing a design so dramatically. You could have incrementally added all of these features. I think this was driven more by revenue need as it is a one time purchase. I am hoping you can start to update the UI but I doubt you will. Just more space between stuff especially the icons and the calendar. I hope you post classic for people to still download. Especially those of us who paid for it. I downloaded off the app store and I am unsure what happens when I move computers if I don't reinstall from time machine.
Lee Tratnyek
I find myself struggling with the removal of iCloud sync as a possible deal breaker for this upgrade. @paulmayne can you explain a little bit more about this note regarding future updates, particularly if it helps me feel better about using Day One Sync (which terrifies and disenchants me about upgrading from Classic, which I love and have recommended many times)? I find myself confused (perhaps uninformed) about why the team would remove iCloud sync but simultaneously plan for Apple ID integration. "Apple ID Login—Day One will use your device’s Apple ID for enabling Day One services, including Day One Sync, Publish, and more."
Piotr Durlej
I switched to Momento because of lack of integrations. But still it looks great :)
Jordan Borth
@pdurlej I also use Momento. I love the integrations and I prefer the design and aesthetic. I really wish there was a Mac app though!
Tom Siodlak
Awesome release! I am loving multiple journals and adding more than one photo has been something I've wanted since day one (haha).
Christopher Stott
Update looks fantastic! Congratulations. I used 1.0 avidly for a year, but fell out of the habit.
Paul Mayne
@chrisyvr Thanks Christopher! Does reviewing the entries you made during that year inspire you to pick it back up?
Conner Drew
@paulmayne @chrisyvr I also have times where I get out of habit (something Im working on) but yes, reviewing entires does help me pick it back up! Maybe a type of reminder could be an entry to inspire me to open it more.
Helen Crozier
Long time user of classic here but not so keen to upgrade due to the negative reviews in App Store relating to stability. Has anyone had any issues in here? I'm keen to try it!
Pedro Wunderlich
@paulmayne There seems to be a lot of concern, reading the AppStore reviews, with the decision to use your own backend to sync rather than iCloud. People are worried about safety, and they should, being that a journal is deeply, profoundly personal. How do you plan on addressing that?
Alex Lukianov
I've used Day One during the last year and now I have a strong habit to write my thoughts every day. It seems that the second version became even more cool
Pedro Wunderlich
Daily and passionate user of Day One. Getting into the habit of writing down thoughts and adventures is one I recommend to everyone, and Day One is the journal app to do it in. I'm thrilled you guys released version 2 (it's about time!!). The new design follows the beautiful trend set by its predecesor. Clean and pleasurable to use. Great work! Would love to get the Mac version as well, but it's a bit pricey for me at the moment. Still have version 1 installed on my Mac which works beautifully for now. Great work guys!!
More excited reading about where the apps is going than where it is right now. iOS update UI is cluttered and lacking focus. Encrypted sync sounds promising, dropping iCloud less so but might turn out to be a good move.